He crazy, yo’
He crazy, yo’
I dunno i’ve seen a ton of people complaining about the plotholes in endgame and how the time travel business was unsatisfying and Iron Man’s end didn’t need to happen because of ....
The obviously best choice is to not care what anyone else thinks and ignore online opinions regardless of their source and just make your own opinions, or find friends i guess.
There are lots of countries indulging in socialism that do just fine.
She’s 20. Who cares.
Can you not just put it on steam at $60 and epic at $50 and let consumers choose? Exclusivity isn’t helpful, giving consumers choice will push steam to either sort itself out or lose out to epic
Exclusivity is not good for consumers, 100%, never, no question. Steams stranglehold is bad, sure. But basically that means you put it on Epic and Steam and let them have a price war. Thats good for consumers.
I guess he doesn’t want to be in those movies any more. Maybe he hates money
While i agree its really not that simple either. Especially when people are trapped in systems that they can’t see or don’t think are wrong. If the system you are in seems like its the right thing because its all you’ve ever been taught then you won’t go trying to get out of it, because its normal.
There is some good irony to mine here.
That being that its sort of the point they are making. The problems men face make them - among other things - insecure about their position in the world and how they respond to it.
The fact the reactions to it were negative, surprised and immediate just proves the point and…
This is something that still amazes me, as an Australia, who until recently didn’t even have a Amazon.com Australian site, let alone any sort of powerful presence or shipping power or anything.
The real question here is why America still uses checks. Its 2018 guys...
People use checks in 2018..?
The point is it was gold, not that it was there.
He’s falling back on a classic fallacy where if something worse happened, then this specific thing can’t be that bad. I’d be surprised except he’s already proved himself to be a pretty useless human being already.
Oat Juice.
Same in Australia, it changed over a decade a go.
It is like ash in my mouth but lets be honest, Trump the Lesser is not sneaking ‘88' in as a nazi symbol by hiding it behind the %, he’s just lying.
The word you are looking for is cowardly.
Quiet voices don’t bring revolutionary change. This isn’t nice for people at the restaurant but neither is failing health care. In his office he is insulated and safe. Faxes and phone calls won’t get anywhere near him, and also makes the problem invisible to the average American.