
It was, i think, mostly used as a 'how do we give these people MASSIVE potential powers but still be able to threaten then' sort of plot. The best (and i guess, cheapest) way is to just say they can't kill anyone. Now not only are they (technically not a lethal) threat to anyone they can be threatened and captured by

#1 If you remember a few episodes back when he shows off his tracking chips, there seems to be hundreds, if not literally thousands of TTP in the city alone, and those are only the ones he's got trackers in, imagine all the ones that don't. Now multiply that by how many cities in the US? the world?

Yeah because he doesn't have a magic 'turn off this thing that negates my awesome powers because i love awesome powers' button under his desk.

They actually waste a few seconds with "Is john..." "its like he's trying to get hurt" So.. surprise, John threw the fight. That aside, all the damage to the muscle in the area, not to mention being frozen.. he's still way too mobile, strong and agile.

Come on, its obviously Love. The most powerful of supernatural forces.

To be fair they did slip in the "he wants to get hurt" thing saying john was letting him beat him up.

Plus its like, they can TRY, just most give in before they can manage it. It seems very vague and not very specific. Like, sometimes its just 'lawl you can't kill me' and other times they can TRY and its all ARGH ARGH but doesn't succeed..

Its classic TV-syndrome. You just can't do things the normal way... If you want to kill this guy, you wait for the beeping to start and then sling the bomb into his office.

I hear it was crossbones

I was desperately hoping for Oswald to bust out with some unexpected supermoves and at least give Ward a run for his money but instead he just gets an off-screen death. Its a shame

Thats my whole problem with Skye. The 'oh hey she's magic and saves the day' point. Its the last thing i want to see. I just don't want her to have some secret, magic powers that saves the whole team on the verge of defeat.

Can i hope that ward kills skye and triggers coulson to kill him because i'm totally fed up with skye..

Can i hope that ward kills skye and triggers coulson to kill him because i'm totally fed up with skye..

So obviously they just need to build a bigger wall, right?... right?

Nothing 'legal' about it. Not to mention in the vast majority of places these movies are set, adulthood started a LOT earlier.

I always felt like that was sort of the point.

I thought thats what you were getting at. I don't really see the resemblance at all. But then i hear that he was a LOT more white and it was redone to be less.. well.. offensive..

"Historical science"

I'll take a read but it sounds decent and honestly, so long as we have John and Aeryn i can live with even a halfway decent movie.

I heard this was more about their kid, post-show, on earth, based on the comics that take place after the series ended.