Yep. I'm dismayed by her success. I thought it was bad enough that she even got a book deal in the first place, let alone a movie deal. I refuse to give her one fraction of one penny of my money.
Yep. I'm dismayed by her success. I thought it was bad enough that she even got a book deal in the first place, let alone a movie deal. I refuse to give her one fraction of one penny of my money.
Ugh, Cassie Claire. I'm glad she thought about the Bechdel test. I'm still not going to help line her pockets by buying her books or watching the movies based on said books.
Sounds to me like she wanted him to be her sugar daddy and he wanted to bang her and move on with his life, and she didn't like the fact that he wouldn't bend over backwards to get into her pants. I mean, they met when he went into the store she worked at. They're not colleagues spending weeks getting to know each…
The online hobbit-slashing bled through to the real world big time in the case of him and Billy Boyd. So if he every now and again has to get ugly to shake loose a persistent fangirl, then meh.
Here, pass along my new favorite line to your baby cousin (courtesy of Mad Men):
I was going to say that 5 cake is overkill... but nah, it's not. It's AWESOME.
OMG I hadn't noticed that AT ALL and then I went back and looked and I about died laughing. She looks like she's trying to sneak in a quick scratch at her crabs.
You're missing out. Groom's cake = more cake and that is always a good thing. Unless they're going to be stingy and serve you either wedding cake or groom's cake, as opposed to serving you a normal piece of wedding cake and a smaller piece of groom's cake. I hate those stingy weddings!
My nickname for him is Prince Prius.
You know, FOX turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.
Does your friend like to cook? Or if she does, is she any good at it? Because if she's the kind of person who thinks making dinner involves placing an order for delivery from the nearby italian place, then a crock pot might be her mother's passive aggressive way of criticizing her lack of cooking skills/desire. I…
I don't know what the cultural norm for something like that would be in Japan, but in the U.S. I think it would be okay to move over one seat so that there is an empty seat between you and your companion, and then signal to the girl as subtly as you can that she can sit there if she wants and not worry about the guy…
You sound like a wonderful mom and your twelve-year-old daughter is going to look back one day and be so grateful to you for having that conversation with her, especially for having it with her when she was so young, before she experiences harassment or worse first-hand. Knowing is being prepared and by telling her…
Yes, I agree whole-heartedly. Practice makes perfect. And just like the fear of public speaking, you can only get over it by doing. The more you do it, the more comfortable you get with confronting harassers, the easier it becomes.
I posted my random experience with a calling masturbator on another thread. Dude called my LAW OFFICE and started grunting and groaning halfway through my description of the legal services we offered. I froze for a few seconds in disbelief that this couldn't possibly be what it sounded like and then said "Hello?"…
Not a thing. If any teacher saw it, they did nothing. And although there were lots of kids in the hallway, but we were all tweens so the teachers were still a head taller than us, so... but maybe no one was looking in my direction when it happened.
I think you should tell your fiance that there is virtually no woman in this country who has gone her whole life without being sexually harassed or assaulted. A handsy guy on the dance floor, a guy that won't leave you alone on the train, the guys that yell out crude remarks as you walk by, the guy that doesn't want…
They went overboard with the airbrushing and made him look a little too plastic-fantastic, but other than that, I gotta say that Flynn is looking fabulous!