
"Well, at the very least, now you know why the lady who's sitting down the aisle from you on the bus has a bright red face at 8:15 a.m."

Oh God, NOT AT ALL! The ebook covers are fucking INSANE and make no bones (heh, "bone") about the content of the books. Some cover pics are little more than soft-corn porn.

I wish they would have shown Moore doing the infamous wink and the "Say it ain't so, Joe" line.

I'm thinking I'm going to treat the Republican convention like a sporting event. Lots of food, beer, and bets.

After having seen the movie and now rewatching the actual interview footage, I'm struck by how goddamn obvious it is that Palin is just reciting memorized answers and has no true understanding about the words coming out of her mouth. The way she over-ennunciates words, her stilted cadence, her constant

I could not agree with you more. Being the kind of woman I am, I would gleefully lord over my husband the fact that my vote cancels out his. Perhaps this is why I'm not married...

I met him in law school and we became good friends despite being total opposite versions of each other. When we first met he had just graduated from a conservative university located in a conservative town in a conservative state. Every conversation, no matter how innocent, could (and often did) lead to a full,

Just change your birthday online. Or if you haven't registered yet as a beauty insider, do it now and give them a later birthday. If they ask to see your ID in the store, which they probably will not do, give them your real one and then change your birthday online. All that matters is that you only redeem one

The birthday present changes every year. This year, ALL year, will be the Fresh sugar lip tints.

I think the reality is worse for Republicans than these polls would suggest. I think there's lots of women who won't admit publically that they have turned away from the Republican party. When the election results are analyzed I think we're going to see unprecendented loss of Republican support among women. I want

I've been reading as much as I can about this since last night. The Cindy Crawford stuff that I read on lipstick alley is so disturbing and upsetting that I have trouble putting my feelings into words. I remember reading about the story of her daughter's pictures when it broke and at the time I thought the

But many get confirmed later on, once the news breaks and so-and-so actually files that divorce or so-and-so actually checks into rehab. I wouldn't call them "the gospel truth" but I don't think very much is spun out of whole cloth by a basement dweller.

Replying to promote!

The last peice of the puzzle for me was watching him on Bill Maher last week. I was glad to confirm my impression of him as a thoughtful, funny, caring, open-minded person.

*gasp* He's a REPUBLICAN?!?! That is number 1 on my "Oh no no" list!

Of course it's the liberals' fault. Don't you know that Fluke is a super-secret liberal Democratic operative who chose to attend Georgetown law school just so she could publically embarrass them about their failure to cover birth control prescriptions?

It was the Domincan Republic, actually. But the sex trafficking aspect goes for the DR, even more so, I think.

Flawless reply. You win!

I know that A LOT of material can be found for free online, but I like to buy e-books because I want to support the author and I want to compensate him or her for their work with my money. And when I find an author I like (which can be rare because much of the stuff out there is just plain bad) I tend to buy up all