
Same here. I avoided the romance section of Barnes and Noble (and the grocery store) like the plague. Until...

So is Christian a vampire and is Anastasia a wet blanket?

If anyone deserves to shuffle off this mortal coil David-Carradine-style, it's Rush Limbaugh.

Yes, this is me exactly! Well, minus the kids. But my natural tendency is to go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning and sleep until brunch time, and in fact, was pretty much how I lived from ages 18 until 26. Now that I've been a respectable professional for a few years, I can't sleep past 7am no matter how late I go

Can you put on headphones to try and drown it out? Or, if it is apparently cool in your office to play the radio loudly enough so that others can hear it, maybe you should get a radio and play it louder than your cubicle-mate.

Unless you're trying to hold a corporation responsible for criminal acts or for internatioal human rights violations. Then, corporations are immune!

You have not discovered the joy of the restricted list? I put all my family (with a couple of exceptions) on it and my updates are set to post by default as "Friends except Restricted".

Whenever I meet a pushy pro-lifer, I like follow it up with "Are you also a pacifist? A death penalty abolitionist? Oh, you're neither? So I guess you're not really pro-life then, you're just anti-choice." It's amazing how many of them can't wrap their minds around the notion that, if you're intellectually honest,

Agreed. That is some hot nonsense. People need to realize that for professionals such as doctors, attorneys, engineers, accountants, etc. "ethics" actually means something more than what Joe Public feels in his gut is right and wrong. As a lawyer, I would never go to a non-lawyer or non-legal scholar for ethical

Also, Hillary's unfavorable's were above 50%. As much as Democrats would like to deny it, there were (and are) plenty of "independents" that would not have voted for Obama with Hillary on the ticket. She most likely would have cost him votes. Not enough to lose the election outright, but if McCain had chosen

The answer is so obvious when you do a little analogizing. What if it were hospitals run by Jehovah's Witnesses that were refusing to do blood transfusions? Would people be so quick to come to that hospital's defense to exercise their religious freedom when it would mean patients (men and women) dying from blood

Agreed. I hated the Blind Side. Oher was portrayed as a big, helpless noble savage - Lennie Small in a jersey. Even on the football field he wasn't allowed out of the confines of his caricature. His white-woman-rescuer had to explain to him how to play his position, telling him to protect the quarterback the way

But it's a jingle for double mint gum.

NARS Red Lizard has been my favorite red for a few years now and I have no plans to stop wearing it.

Nooo, not my precious Red Lizard! That's my go-to red lipstick!. I always carry a tube of it in my purse just in case I have to do a quick "day to night" emergency makeover. Like the one I plan on doing after work today for a happy hour I've just been invited to. Guess I'll just have to order a few extra drinks

Doesn't count because there's no romancing between the two of them in it. I want to see Colin Firth charm the pants off Meryl Streep!

What kind of cheap-ass nail polish chips in the shower?

The majority of Catholics in the U.S. were not adverse to it. This would have been a nonissue (and was a nonissue for two weeks after it was announced) had not Gingrich and then Romney, Santorum, and Fox News made it into an issue.

Your friend sounds like a real dumbass.

I know, right? Everyone knows it's grape drink, not juice.