
They were probably better off releasing Black/White 2 for 3DS just for the sake of pushing 3DS unit sales — They probably could've even done a limited edition model for the games to help entice people, too.

Get to the bunkers!

I'd willingly buy it if it were repackaged as a Vita title. Too bad Square Enix claims they had no idea the fans wanted Type-0, and passed on it completely.

I'm starting to regret scrolling down to the comments on this article.

I logged on just to tell you that comment made my day. I've been trying not to burst out laughing in my office.

Agreed, considering they straight up said they haven't even considered localizing it. I'm just hoping there's enough demand to get it over, considering it seems it's selling well enough to fill in the sales quota for Square to consider bringing it over.

Pretty much. The heating would be nice, but I don't typically like my hands warmed up in the summer time, so the only practical use is during the winter, but I'd assume the controller goes both ways depending on what's going on in a game... so the controller's not really something I'd use.

The heating would be nice, but the cooling certainly wouldn't, to which I presume the controller goes both ways depending on how a game is being played. A one-way option would certainly be nice, though.

I'm probably going to sound silly for saying this, but as someone who has Raynaud's... the cooling part is the last thing I would want in my games. Heating's only of use in the winter, but otherwise irrelevant. I'd just stick to regular controllers, but I'm sure it might be cool for people who don't have lack of blood

I've yet to buy a single 3DS title, due to buying games for my PS3 and Vita (and even then those were pretty selective as well, what with paying for other things), but Bravely Default was the game to make me say "I want a 3DS for this". Square, I would have this preordered day one if you were to bring it localized —

I'm in the same boat for liking sauce/soup/ketchup, but detesting tomatoes... Though I'm not Italian.

No alternatives like that for Firefox? :(

Same. I don't think I'll ever adapt to this new system.

Tell me about it. I rejoiced when ZoE HD was finally given a date... and then Okami HD was dated for the same day!

To be honest, I was expecting this after going nearly a year without a single bit of news dropping in. I don't really have interest in MMOs, so it isn't much of a loss for me, but it'd better than that iOS game...

I'd probably still go see it. Looks overall enjoyable, despite what seems to be an issue with slice-of-life works. Any chance of a release here in North America?

Figured it was likely some dude who swiped a few copies at a printing facility to make a pretty penny. Most games get printed about a month or two in advance before they're shipped out to stores 1 - 2 weeks prior to the street date, if I'm correct.

Ah, yes, I had a sibling who worked at Blockbuster also net me rentals a week early. Was a very nice perk, I must say.

I feel as though I'll be done with college by the time this is out, much like how I had finished high school when XIII was out...

...Well, I can't unsee that now.