
Some of my classes force the purchase of new textbooks, mostly to get access codes for stuff like those language lab sites that a number of universities use. :( I usually rent if I can, but there's some instances where it isn't possible.

$250 for a textbook that I'll be selling back in 14 weeks for $.50 and a stick of gum. It's saddening. :<

Somehow I feel it only blow someone's mind for the cost rather than the game's quality.

...I liked the special edition for the PS2 release more. :( Oh well. This one seems all right, but I'll probably pass. I new money for my textbooks anyway.

I was going to step in with a piece of information regarding Michigan, but I see you already filled that in. Nice to see a fellow Michigander, too~

...I confess I nearly forgotten all about this game. I'd probably cave in and buy it just because the game seems so absurd.

If only I can promote comments. :( I figured the JLPT would be worth looking into, wasn't sure if N1 would be worth it, but going by your word, it seems it's definitely worth taking into consideration.

Wow, that's a good thing to hear! I have a minor in Japanese (initially to fill in a credit hour quota for my major) that I took up out of general interest in the language and culture. I admit one of my dream jobs would be to work with localizing games, namely Atlus or XSEED as my top choices.

Would a minor in Japanese be just as acceptable as a major when it comes to translation? Or does it largely come down to the individual's proficiency in the language for the job?

Curious, but for the translators on board: Are they only hired for majoring in Japanese or are minors just as viable for the job? Or does it ultimately come down to one's proficiency?

I can't even bring myself to be excited for it these days.

...T-That username... Commencing nightmares now.

I'd love to see some Tales characters in. Maybe from Graces, given that was the most recent Tales game on a Nintendo console?

Concurred. I bought a Vita at launch myself, and while I'm eagerly awaiting Persona 4, I've yet to even see Sony present more titles that are up and coming. I don't think they even mentioned P4G at E3...

I enjoyed FFXIII, passed up on XIII-2 since it didn't seem that interesting, and... I'd rather they just invest that money into other projects. Y'know, like that myth called Versus XIII that looks really snazzy.

I just see it as them wanting to make a quick buck without investing any effort in the process. They'd just cross their fingers and hope it sells.

I've only watched up to about the 50th episode before I started to drastically lose interest. Looking at where they are now in the manga, I've no idea what's what anymore. All I see now are a dozen different eyes for Uchihas and supposedly a final arc going on or something.

If only I can promote comments or anything of the sort. I stopped caring for shounen on the whole, with very few exceptions. Otherwise, they don't appeal to me for reasons you've stated, and I feel they drag on for far longer than necessary.

They only decided to end Bleach's anime because it was getting little to no views, so at that point, they were just choosing to cut dead weight.

Pretty much. I barely even noticed the difference until it was pointed out.