At the point they're just taking a break, but my guess is it's to give the manga time to jump ahead since the anime finished a few chapters behind. Doesn't help when the mangaka was on maternity leave last month (albeit, understandable). I doubt we'll get the next season during the summer, but perhaps fall.
D'oh. Well, hopefully my comment gets noticed. There were rumors for a concert in 2013 to promote For the Sequel, but it never happened and was only for the 2012 release. The Blu-ray and DVD release, however, was in March 2013. *pushes up glasses*
It was actually in 2012, not 2013. #corrections
Co-developed. A number of the staff came from Square Enix as well, the director himself works at Square Enix.
Chesterfield isn't too far off from New Haven, so yes. Surprised to see Chestertucky mentioned on Kotaku of all places.
I actually live down the street from that Meijer. I suppose I was too busy slaving away over finals that I didn't notice any buzz.
I used it on Sly 4 just earlier this year.
Serious business, much?
I think he means "bringing" instead of "brining," as opposed to the name.
I'm personally more fond of carmine red myself — The red in this one makes me feel like I'm using MS Paint.
At least I'm not alone in this opinion.
Bring on the new professor!
I was hoping no one would mention Mr. Stay Puft in regards to this article.
So the support for XBO has extended beyond human beings... Interesting!
All the time!
It didn't show up for me. I imagine I'm lucky.
I googled it and just got photos of them hanging around bags of Doritos...
What, no Hello Kitty on either of them?