
I had to rewatch that just to catch whether they said "Pokemon Center" or "Pokecenter" since you pointed it out.

Not at all! Was wondering if it was just me myself.

It just feels... out of place and choppy to me in some areas. I wasn't going to buy it in the first place, but the "dur hur HD animation" claims are what merely had me glance at the game here and there when mentioned. I'm sure it has its appeal to some people, so more power to them if they're into it, however.

That sounds really cool! I wouldn't see any appreciation for video game music in general back when I was in high school, let alone classical. Good one on you!

I know this isn't considered one of the better Tales titles, but a Tales game is a Tales game... particularly when it's localized. Allow me to prepare a fangirl squee.

If commenting promoting were possible, I'd do it for yours in an instant.

...The game itself was rage inducing for me as a child when I played it on Genesis. Maybe I just sucked at games back then? I only remember getting frustrated with this game.

The comment system's turned for shit, it's an eyesore and — for me — takes the piss out of clicking for a new comment thread every time rather than scrolling through one list of comments.

I concur, ever so much. The nesting is a headache and confusing to me, and even if I don't reply comments... I still enjoy reading the them, so shuffling through everything just to find other comments feels like a chore.

Oh thank goodness, other people feel the same way I do on this new comment system. It feels far too inconvenient when you can't see all the replies! Old system was easily better.

As someone who experiences motion sickness, I'm glad they included the slider. I can handle playing games for the most part, but 3D and the sort make me uneasy. If anything, I never really bothered with the 3D (particularly when the most I can cope with it for is about 30 minutes or so) and disregarded it completely.

That looks like something you could find at a 7-Eleven, and for far cheaper...

I used to want to go to Hawaii when I was younger, but had it substituted with several countries in Europe. I'm a little sad to have yet to go to Hawaii, but at the same time, it's a shrug on my end. Only recent travel I've had was to Japan about two years ago with plans to revisit next year. Can't wait, I miss doing

Between that image and spookyxelectric's link to the music of Besaid Island... I'm rather tempted to do a replay of that game. Loved the Okinawan influence in that game.

Just the mention of spiders and centipedes alone gives me the creeps, but I'm a pansy when it comes to those things. I know there's gonna be spiders practically where ever you go, but I'd rather avoid them.

I do believe so. Shame it wound up being taken out of the NA version as well, I'm horrible with that Voltorb flip game.

...It vaguely reminds me of Enslaved, just due large city + forestation that gives it a feeling of being a once-populated city. Silly, but I felt it looked rather cool.

The kid's gotta make a living somehow!

Oh dear, that Hamas Mickey Mouse was the first thing I thought when looking at this article. D: