
If you lose control of your body and need to swerve violently because of something like a bee or wasp sting, your license should be revoked, period.
You have no place controlling two ton projectiles. That kind of reaction is worse than the average person driving slightly above the legal alcohol limit.

Now playing

Right. Like this video here. Total slam dunk. Except there were no charges filed.
Murder and attempted murder are essentially legal in the USA as long as you are in your car and you hit someone on two wheels.

Extra fault? What on earth are you going on about?

You are clearly a man of faith in the justice system. Can’t blame you, sometimes I think I’m better off believing too, I’d certainly feel more safe and secure.

In the USA you can get away with almost anything if you hit someone on two wheels, don’t leave the scene, and claim it was an “accident”. There is also a requirement that you be sober, although this can be waved if you are a police officer or police officer’s relative.
I challenge you to find a single instance in the

Next time I see you breaking a traffic law I’m going to pit maneuver you.
We’ll be even Stevens.
Better keep an eye on that speedo, use that turn signal, come to complete stops, and never touch a double yellow. Otherwise Chevy Silverado 4x4 is going to send you on a roller coaster ride :)

The driver of the car deserves to be in prison for attempted murder.

That would take up a lot of time and manpower that they would rather use for “revenue generation”

There’s no reason to swerve your car if you get stung by a bee or a wasp. I have been stung while driving, and road cycling (on the scalp, twice in just the span of a couple of years. Both lodged in my helmet) and it never caused me to swerve wildly. That’s a bullshit story.

Haha, coach. You mean peasant class? I stick to chartered flights our company provides.
Really took the edge off flying home from living in Europe the last few years. Molto tranquilo.

My wife’s daily driver is a Focus ST. Bright red. It’s what she wanted because it’s not boring and it can haul the kids and groceries. She loves it.

I lived in Italy for three years and they do this there. I hated it with all of my being.
It is annoying not only because it wastes time, but also because the attendants don’t give a flying crap about your car a good 75% of the time. They will very roughly slap the filler door open, lean on the car as they are filling

So many hidden variables here.

This story, or elements of it are tickling my bullshit meter.

Full disclosure: I am a former military aircraft mechanic.

Yes. I am a former military helicopter maintainer and this story has many fishy elements. If this actually happened I would wager that the tanker reduced the aerodynamic drag on the Phantom more than anything else. The refueling booms I am familiar with would not be able to withstand much load at all.
Reminds me of a

Sure, if they were negligent. That’s how the real world for adults works. You don’t pre-emptively punish everyone for the irresponsibility of a few, you simply hold people accountable for their actions. In this case, that is exactly what the courts are for.

Out of the 30,000 plus deaths on the road, what percentage of them do you think are the result of mechanical failures?

We have enough laws. Your parents probably didn’t tell you this, but shit happens. No need to make life more miserable and inconvenient for the 99.99999999999999999% of the time and humanity that this will never affect.

No. That’s not what happened here at all. A better analogy would be if they asked to test the ball pressure, passed, and then realized some time later that balls lose air, and then retroactively penalized the manufacturer for making balls that lose air.
“Oh we didn’t think of that possibility, that’s your fault by the

They didn’t cheat the test. They passed the test.
What you are suggesting is really childish, akin to blaming the kids when the teacher neglects to put questions on the test that they determine are important after the fact.
We call that moving the goal posts. And you oughta be ashamed for not recognizing it.