
They’re more sophisticated than that. My expertise is with gas engines so I can give you an example there. Even with relatively simple engine control strategies on 1980s F.I. engines, many manufacturers employed, or had code for (sometimes deactivated), highway fuel and spark.
This code would look at a number of

Haha, you obviously aren’t a student of history. Most of human existence has been devoid of statism, yet we are here. Amazing.
The state does not prevent you from harming me or anyone else. If it could, there would be no murder or violence. You aren’t free to harm me because the benefit does not outweigh the risk. You

That’s not how it works. Government came after the people, not the other way around. Whether you like it or not, taxation is theft under the threat of violence. Most of our taxes didn’t even exist for the first 150 years or so of this country. And we must reject the initiation of violence in all forms.
The colonists

I’m glad my comments have had such a profound effect that you and others must console each other over them. This is to be expected when confronted with the truth of your own hypocrisy.
And yes I am well aware of the war on drugs, but if you think that the criminalization of everything, and the revolving door of fines

Haha, yes in the minds of people with an inconsistent moral code.

Haha, you are talking about the mid east and calling US xenophobic.

Comedy gold, brah

Since it was absent from the video, let me append a “WORLDSTAR!” to this.
And this is tame. The next worldstar fight comp should be far more entertaining.

1) A regulation is a law nitwit. Otherwise it has no teeth.
2) And? You don’t travel? You don’t engage in interstate commerce? You don’t think you can be prosecuted for breaking a law in another state without leaving yours?
3)Did I say wasn’t? Doesn’t take much for a misdemeanor to turn into a felony.
4) Wrong. https://w

Only in the mind of a slave is it theft when you refuse to pay a theif

Haha, ignorance is bliss. In the digital age, you’ve probably commited felony violations of copyright law just doing common things on the internet. A decent prosecutor can indict you on something if not nail you outright Do you even know how many laws are passed each year? Not total laws. Each year.
30 to 40 THOUSAND

Okay :)

Hey, I’m the one that lives comfortably at your expense, who is the stupid one now?
P.S. pay those back taxes bitch

Right, because inconveniences only exist when they are suffered by government employees. Everyone else buck up and pay UP.
Anyway, I’m glad you guys are happy to pay, keeps the heat off me.

Haha, tell me, lawyer, how many laws exist? Do you know? There are 30 to 40,000 passed each year between the average state and federal level. Each year. How many of those can result in a felony? If you can’t even answer, how do you know whether or not you are breaking them? You’ve arguably broken the Lacey Act a few

It’s more work to do a visual check than a tail pipe test.

So you are saying that only government employees should be exempted from your laws? Hahah.
I don’t care one way or the other, I’m the guy that always finds a way to circumvent them. But it’s funny to see the mental hoola hoops evangelical statists jump through to justify all of these contradictions.
P.S. I do it for the

Like a 60 billion dollar train to nowhere?
I swear, government is like a religion to you people, you really believe in this shit.
I recognized the sham once I started paying attention, around the same time I stopped believing in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

Haha, you really believe that?

Do you claim any exemptions on your taxes?

Don’t forget about us military people who can maintain a home of record pretty much where we want.
Been living in CA for 15 years, never had a front plate, or Cali plate for that matter, hahaha.
Glad you guys are paying up though, someone has to keep the local/state politicians well fed.