
C’mon, lets be honest here, she only said that to your 9th grade GF because she wanted you to be with a Jewish girl instead.

The natural conclusion to that is that people will simply look at their phones more. “No need to pay attention, my phone has it covered”

The NHTSA should do a study where cars are equiped with NASCAR style roll cages, occupants are required to wear fire suits, hans devices, and full face helmets. The cars must also not have any infotainment devices of any kind. FIA containment seats and 6 point harnesses round out the package.
I am confident that the

Oh yeah, completely integrated people you got there in dearborn lol

You missed the part where I also lived for over a year in Japan and the part where I speak three languages, one of which is a native tongue other than English.
I’m not even counting ebonics, I’m pretty fluent in that too. Stay hit, pinkie.

LoL, I am also the only one out of you guys that’s ever actually machined anything, hell, I own a lathe and many other fabrication tools from a plasma cutter to welders to a hydraulic brake that can do 1/2” steel, blasting cabinet, and on and on I use them all.

You seem really upset over all of this. You have to remember this isn’t going to affect your well-being unless you let it.

Glad to hear you are reading my old posts. You could learn a lot from them.

I don’t lose sleep over the ill-informed opinions of juveniles.

If you think people today have any less patience for precision craft work it is only out of your ignorance. You’ve obviously not seen the kinds of things members of the microminiature machining community have produced.

No. Sorry. No one can hand craft objects to the same level of precision of modern machinery. Modern manufacturing facilities can mass produce objects while maintaining tolerances of one millionth of an inch. That is smaller than any human can see or feel, no matter their artistic genius. You would be hard pressed to

You’ve misunderstood completely, and it’s my fault. Sometimes I take for granted my experience in fabrication and forget that not everyone understands things like basic manufacturing concepts as intuitively as I do.

I didn’t “travel” there. I lived there, for several years. I have also lived in Japan.

I’ve seen more sculptures, up close, from the greatest sculptors in the history of mankind than you’ve ever seen in your life. Kind of a side benefit of living in Italy for several years and traveling the entire region extensively. I have seen antiquities and examples of craft work spanning millennia. I know what

I find it telling that you didn’t tell me what kind of “engineer” you are. If your actually were an engineer and in a relevant discipline, you would have been more specific. Given that I work in engineering, and know plenty of real life engineers, your claim doesn’t impress me in the least. It doesn’t mean you know

I forgive you for not noticing the specific manufacturing differences between these two examples and the “artifact” in question. I know that machining is not something very many people have done, as such, you may easily mistake one example of a machine component as an analogue to another in terms of complexity.

Right, because procrastination is the only reason why something couldn’t be done?
Look, you don’t need to show me examples of artwork that required a lot of time and effort to produce. I’ve lived around the world and seen wonderful examples of human effort and ingenuity spanning millennia, in person.
Effort to produce

They weren’t perfect, much less symmetrical. No such thing as perfect, even in machining. Given that you’ve never handled a micrometer or any other precision measuring instrument, you can be forgiven for thinking this, but I suggest you get ahold of one and use it to distinguish between what might have previously

Nah. Precision cuts and compound radii like that (symmetrical end to end even) are like last 100 years of development at best, and even then, this would have been extremely cutting edge technology back then. You need fine control of feeds and speeds to produce this finish too.
Casting does not produce anything remotely

So dumb. Did anyone wonder how it was made? A magic precision lathe from antiquity?
People would do well to learn a little about manufacturing and the history of machine tools.