
The government, the same one you want to enforce environmental regulations, and "protect" us from street racers. The same organization that employs costumed men that murder more Americans than terrorists in this country, the same organization that saw fit to drop two atomic weapons on civilians, fund the genocide of

Says the guy that has full faith in an organization that has murdered thousands of innocent people.
I think it's obvious that your ability to gauge moral superiority is lacking.

The sanctimony is turned up to 11 on Jalopnik today.

Haha, OohRah.

Semper Fi,
I understand your point, however, people that participate in street racing are not doing so as some symbolic form of protest. They are just trying to have fun, and it is fun. The fact that it is fun does not mean it is absent of risk, like many other things people do to entertain themselves. When that risk

Right, because you've been very good at coloring inside of the lines. So you can't even imagine what it's like for people who don't.
I suppose you think that the tradesmen who have fast drag cars as entertainment should instead be entertained by reading some journal articles, listening to ted talks, and maybe watching

As I told Saldana, I have refocused my efforts into my time attack car specifically because there are now more options in this area for that sort of thing.

That said, time attack, hpde, etc, is far, far more risky than drag racing. Financially and physically.

That's not drag racing. And I do have a time attack car as I said before. But it's a completely different hobby. Actually, imo it's far more dangerous than drag racing and a lot of people are not into the risk which is not only physical but financial.

I grew up in the south. I know what racial battlegrounds look like. I also know that people in these places can completely shelter themselves away from any of it. So the fact that you are from Memphis doesn't tell me much.
That said, I wasn't talking about you specifically, I was indeed making a generalization that

The most irresponsible thing you can do? Exactly what share of the 30,000 road fatalities each year involve street racing?
Unlike you, I've actually compiled the stats on this so I'll go ahead and tell you: Less than 1/10th of 1%. That includes all forms of fatal accidents that are called "street racing", so that

Most trips by car are unnecessary. Actually, that's a terrible argument to begin with, if justification for doing something requires necessity, then almost all human activity in the United States has no justification.
A relatively tiny handful of people street race, and whaddya-know, only a relatively tiny fraction of

There actually is not an abundance of tracks in southern California. There used to be many years ago but not now. There is 1 quarter mile track in Fontana which is seldom open. When it does open, literally 1000 cars can show up. You don't even wait in line to get a run in, they give you a color coded tag and your

Yes. Apparently people around here are so buried up their own ass that they forgot about the other 30,000 people that die in car crashes every year.

Street racing related deaths make up less than 1/10th of 1% of all vehicle fatalities in the U.S.

But lets all freak out about it because we're naive.

Now playing

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

I have to laugh at all the sheltered white rich kids here.

And a final reminder: Street racing is the dumbest thing and the people who do it are literal human garbage.

Nah. Traffic doesn't all flow at one speed. If you go with "the flow of traffic" you are going to have people faster than you, and people slower than you. But this isn't really an issue that's specific to lane splitting. I would much rather be going faster than everyone because I see what I am approaching vs not

Bruh, I wasn't serious about it looking like the gif.

being an asshole is common sense?

Didn't realize that. Both of my dads raised me to treat people with respect. Guess we were raised differently.

Been living + driving in California for almost 15 years. I'll keep an eye out for the chaos but can't say I've seen it yet.