
Every time? I'm not sure if you've heard of this new technological process called "video editing". Supposedly it's the state of the art now, they can splice together sections of film and everything. I even hear they are coming out something called a "video tape" next.

Or maybe he toed the line one too many times and this time he slipped past it.
Sort of like a guy I knew that was a hothead and would throw the first punch at the slightest offense. Sure, he wasn't out to kill anyone, but it turns out that blasting someone with a sucker punch is a good way to kill them. He's up on

Oh yeah, totally. Because any organization that steals someone's money and demands they prove it's theirs would have the highest ethical standards in choosing who they steal it from.

Wow, police employee reasoning.
"Why should I need to learn how to walk on crutches?"
"Because when I break your leg, you are going to need them."

There already exists very good reasons for stealing someones money. It's free money. That's why cops steal it.
"Then it'd be up to you to prove otherwise" Otherwise = innocence. That's the same thing as proving your innocence.
If you are a police employee you really should know that defending and perpetuating this is

I don't think that's true. Look at the numbers on civil forfeiture for instance, and swat raids.
But let's say it is true, I'd rather deal with the old school type of cop that had a revolver, billy club, and regular cop uniform than some trigger happy psycho itching to put on war gear and thinks a taser is a human

You've never paid for a car in cash? Police employees have robbed people of money they were going to use to buy a cheap used car.

Due process doesn't involve proving your innocence.

Why should you need any valid reason or explanation to carry your own money however you want?

Haha, get mad.
And yeah, this is about a luxury brand so I don't know why BMW is even mentioned here.
BMW = Chevy (but BMW is less reliable and more expensive.)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but, yes it does shit all over the E30. A run of the mill thirdgen Z28 would cream an E30 M3 for half the price. Forget about any of the lower trim level E30s
Look up the road tests if you like. Thirdgen Z28 pulled more Gs on the skidpad, had a much lower quarter mile time (like 2

This car could have been soo soooo much more impressive if Chrysler would have put it on appropriately sized tires. All season 275s at this power level and weight makes no damn sense. I don't know how wide this chassis will accommodate but the thing needs at least 335s in the back and 315s up front.
Those poor pizza

Whoa, you really blew it with this one. There is a reason why GM EFI is the most well documented and most retrofitted. Even aftermarket systems (for example, megasquirt) are/were heavily based on GM efi and use GM electronics. I bet I can find more E30s running GM EFI retrofits than Mototronic on anything else.

If all you care about is straight lines then that explains a lot.

Those German cars have vulgar styling and have clumsy handling. Nevermind the lazy engines that have to rev so high to make power. That kind of character has no place in a luxury car.
There's a reason so many BMWs are leased, they are simply a fashion

Man, you just buy into all of the myths don't you. Who told you that GM made sub par products from 75 to 08? I want you to compare GM products to their competitors in the same class, year by year, and get back to me. All cars were shit in the late 70s. I want you to compare the best BMW had to offer in the 80s to

BMW is no comparison to Cadillac. I mean, people are seriously comparing a brand whose cars double as taxi cabs and police cars to Cadillac? That's laughable. If anything is a story here it's how BMW is massively over priced.
BMW is comparable to Chevy at best except BMWs have the personality and style of a block of

What was this person thinking when they added they added this ridiculous music to the video?
I mean, nothing inspires a dance party more like a dash cam crash from a vintage Bugatti right?

First off, I am not an Anglo-Saxon Protestant. That's staggeringly ignorant of you to assume.
Second off, I never said you should be forced to use Uber or Lyft, or any other method. By all means, I think if you want to use a cab with a smelly and rude driver (of any national origin) then far be it from me or anyone

The only reason this is even up for discussion is because there is a government imposed monopoly on this kind of transportation. If it was a free market, stinky and rude cabbies would be out of jobs.
Having taken a cab from Lindbergh field with a stinky and rude east African cabbie, this story hits close to home for

I do the same exact thing. When assholes spit on your courtesy, you just have to stop being courteous.