
This is exactly why I don't use my turn signal until I'm already changing lanes. I find that most people who complain about turn signal use are exactly the kind of people that are just mad they weren't given heads up to block you.

That's because it wasn't built or at least intended/marketed for that kind of stuff. Toyota has quite a pedigree in desert racing (think Ironman Ivan Stewart) and is well respected as a good foundation for a "pre-runner" truck. Which is a truck built to haul ass in the desert and is typically 2 wheel drive.
In that

With regard to the 2Wd Tacoma thing, I take it you don't live near, or know much about off roading in the desert southwest.

Cross shopped with Camaros and Mustangs?
Who told you that?

Legacy tech? Legacy as opposed to what? I hope you don't say DOHC. DOHC is older than the pushrod V8. And leaf springs? In what universe were transverse composite leafs designed before the ubiquitous, simple, and cheap steel coil?
If anything is legacy tech, it's what the competition is using.

The Corvette is in another league really. The other cars are merely fashion accessories for men who wear jewelry.
The 'vette is like a finely crafted tool, the kind of tools you find in an accomplished master tradesman's tool collection. It manages to be beautiful in addition to, and as a consequence of, its utility.

Oh yeah, you'd totally be an asshole for calling out an idiot that dumped 2 tons of garbage in a natural area.

I like how they put the number of days in parenthesis, just in case you didn't know how long a week was.
And if they really do mean exactly 30 days, then that means you won't make it a full month more than half the time.

Actual roll cages in the conventional sense probably against Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. I'm guessing there are rules concerning the distance hard points must be from occupants body parts to include head.
A regular roll cage is actually dangerous on the street with a conventional seat and seatbelt. I have

Being kind and helpful to cute animals is easy. Show me what he's done for a human being lately.

You haul your race car + tools and tires to the track with said 4x4 (or just rwd). Trucks are a real car guy's best friend.

I'm one of those dudes, and yes I totally dress like a power ranger, but make no mistake. I do it only for the fashion statement. I don't want anyone to think I do it for some silly functional purpose. So in a way, I'm just like football players that wear their shiny spandex pants with tiger stripes and lightning

A few reasons, there are different team cars that you are looking at so those bikes might not even be from their team first off. Second off, the bikes are specifically fitted to each rider. What might seem like a minor difference to a lay person becomes a really big deal when you are going balls to the wall on stages

Because lord knows it's not the other million assholes in cars holding you up, it's a few guys on bikes right?
I keep hoping to see the bicyclists causing the clusterfuck on the 405 every day.

F1 would be so much cooler if the engine rules weren't designed to protect European companies. They really kill innovation. So learning that Ferrari will provide the powerplants is not surprising at all.
If they were truly for innovation and merely wanted to limit speeds from becoming absurd, they should just limit

What the fuck are you talking about? Discipline my kid? What? This isn't about disciplining children. This is about assaulting children. I don't care what anyone's child does, you have zero justification to lay so much as a finger on them. Whether my child is well behaved or not is of exactly zero fucking relevance to

Congrats on saying the dumbest thing yet. First, the vast majority of WWII fighters were made of metals. Second, this question requires more than binary thinking. In other words, an analysis has to be made on the cost/benefit of development. At a certain point you reach diminishing returns. Do not forget that Germany

haha, because it's expensive and daddy (taxpayer) doesn't have a money tree

In virtually any circumstance where a person assaults another person, responding to force with force is considered defense. Even strict adherents to the non aggression principle accept this basic tenet . The amount of force required to eliminate or incapacitate a threat is up for interpretation and frequently decided

No. Given what I know about early air combat, numbers and solid team tactics frequently outdid superior technology. I.E. a couple of F4Fs could successfully engage technologically superior Zeros given proper tactics and superior numbers.
In other words, in the process of trying to engage one target, the single fighter