
Wow. My son’s middle name is a surname that you’d never ever want to call a kid by because it was his dad’s and granddad’s and great-granddad’s middle name, and his great-great-grandmother’s maiden name. My brother’s is also a surname for similar reasons. Using a family name/conglomeration of family names in the

Good freakin’ luck keeping anything resembling a sock on my favorite little’s feet.

6 whole weeks?! Cause kids are usually pretty self-sufficient at a month and a half.

I fucking hate the term “natural childbirth.” What you want is an unmedicated vaginal birth. There’s nothing “natural” about giving birth in a hospital under the supervision of doctors and nurses or in a manmade bathtub. Truly natural childbirth is fucking dangerous and traumatic, and medical technology has made it

Fair warning, though, Amy Tuteur (aka the Skeptical OB) frequently puts me on the A Pox on Both Your Houses side (#teamnoone) because she can be so incredibly obnoxious about stuff that really is not at all worth getting that obnoxious about.

There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.

Me singing Guns and ships:

Then the junk shop was breaking the law as were you.

Dont forget to look UNDER your nipple too! You never knows what lurks beneath until you lift and inspect like some sort of cave explorer headed to horrortown.

Maybe I should start naming the three or four chin hairs that go from “invisible” to “one centimeter long and spiky” overnight.

And that one bastard on my jawline that I SWEAR TO GOD becomes two inches long before I notice it.

maybe not THE best joke to make about a jewish baby

Roman… I guess naming the other one “Woody” would’ve ruined his reputation as the reigning king of subtlety.

Well, just speaking from my own experience, I use credit cards - but I’m not allowed to pass the interest on to him. I understand why, but it’s tough since I wouldn’t have that debt if he were on time.

I’m pregnant with my second child (and have 13 month old) so I have learned a lot in last year. One thing I learned is to not buy too many diapers advance because you never know when your little one will have a growth spurt and no longer fit in their diapers. Some stores will allow you to exchange one size for another

The not-being-able-to-buy-in-bulk issue (for anything, not just diapers) is one that so many middle/upper class people don’t understand. The first time my husband visited my family, he was appalled when my dad bought a single role of paper towels from the grocery story. Later, he whispered to me “I thought money was

A bargain at twice the price.

This isn’t accurate. Formula is HIGHLY regulated and is designed to be as nutritionally equivalent to human breast milk as possible. Breast milk and formula have similar nutritional profiles- both breast milk and formula have about 10g of carbohydrates (sugar) per 100 calories. Where there are differences, though, is

Can we just get it in our heads that it is not solely the duty of infertile people to carry the burden of our foster care systems? This woman has already adopted three anyways, but it seems like whenever an infertile person seeks to birth a biological child there are a bunch of people just waving their hands around

But how is that different from when parents with biological children adopt? Are only childless couples allowed to adopt?