I’m five and a half months pregnant. I already have a list of things I am not supposed to eat. If every random person also chimed in with things they don’t think I should eat, I would kill them or myself.
I’m five and a half months pregnant. I already have a list of things I am not supposed to eat. If every random person also chimed in with things they don’t think I should eat, I would kill them or myself.
Genuine question which will undoubtedly come across as snotty but I promise it isn’t: have you ever been pregnant? Because I have, twice, and this is cereal and it is not a big deal.
it isn’t unreasonable for someone to comment that dyes aren’t really healthy for the baby
Are you willing to look at the larger picture? Women often work fewer hours because the societal expectation is that they are the ones to stay home with children. Employers will often pay a woman less, and cite that a woman’s ‘commitment’ to the job is less because she may at some point in the future have children.
The worst part of being pregnant is the unsolicited advice.
It’s perfectly okay to say you hate being pregnant. It sucks, hurts, makes you fart and burp at times you don’t mean to, you get sore and tired from 20 minutes of mild work, you get punched and kicked from inside your body and at the end you are lucky if labor is under eight hours.
I think the fact that it takes this musty old dead white men-dominated story about American colonial history and makes it incredibly accessible and inclusive to people of color (and also turns it into an immigrant story—which it always was, but I’m sure many people missed that before) is appealing. As a person of…
Nothing makes me happier than a post about a Broadway show. This is my nourishment for the day. I’m a huge theater nerd, and not only because of the double wine servings offered.
I don’t think I made my intentions clear in the previous post. I know doctors cannot necessarily tell if you will have complications, but these insertion horror stories should be very rare. The reason they don’t do significant pain management pre-insertion is that there should be little pain beyond what you’d normally…
No it is not true. It’s something you’re very committed to espousing to justify men preying on children for sex. You chanting “girls are three years more mature than boys” doesn’t make it a fact. It makes you transparent.
a 14 year old woman
I'm just going to come right out and say it —- no fourteen year old should date a seventeen year old. And we should discontinue the assertion that girls are more mature than boys. It justifies nothing.
Ick, this line of reasoning is just ick. Please treat a 14 year old girl like a 14 year old, ‘cause there are all sorts of social, cultural, economic, biological, and other things affecting her maturity and even if she’s mature on some things she’s not mature on others and a 14 year old kid is a kid, not magically a…
Um, no.
Counterpoint- not for everyone. Mine was like one really extra painful cramp and done. I got up and did a dance after. I was a little crampy, and the orgasm I had two days later was followed by extra unexpected cramps, but it was not much worse for me than a pap. Childless with a Mirena.
I’m nulliparous, got the Mirena, and for me it didn’t hurt that bad. I also have endometriosis and possibly vaginismus (I’m extremely tight, yo!). My doc was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to get it in, but he said we could try it anyway. I took a tramadol I had left over from hip pain (with my doctor’s okay)…
I am v excited to go and stand in the lobby while yelling, “IS IT OVER?! OH GOD TELL ME WHAT’S HAPPENING!” with my hands over my eyes.
Fucking... NO! No, no, no, no a million times no.
“Bother to show up” is poor wording that places far too much blame on a community that suffers poor job security, a lack of childcare options, and their fair share of well-earned disillusionment. Of course the answer is getting more Latinos out to vote. But it’s not a matter of “bothering” when the median income for…
Kites are the worst. Sometimes I wish I could just clip all their strings.