Nah, did we forget D2 already? Black market thrived quite well for that game, without any auction houses. People just use chat to set up trades
Nah, did we forget D2 already? Black market thrived quite well for that game, without any auction houses. People just use chat to set up trades
It is probably hard to believe, but a friend and I actually imagined pretty much the exact same concept back in highschool in a tech/media class in 2005-2006. Even though this is still just a concept, it's pretty funny that I would run into this randomly browsing kotaku ^^
I wonder what she is saying.. looks like まずい!
Agree.. But apparently it is not too uncommon.. was happy to hear about a new ragnarok odyssey (ACE), just to find out it was a re-release -_-
Interesting.. They clearly took a page out of apple's book. They seem to want to create the same type of eco system that apple has made, tying together their products in PS4-Vita-Vita TV(-TV-possible android devices?)
Gah and just when I bought a vita while in Japan this summer ~_~ at least I got it for 4000 yen less than retail of this. Also is it just me or did they choose crappy colors (looking past white/black options) to keep first gen owners of red/blue/etc happy? :P
Well you can even see how the cat is clawing to the bed and see the pull motion through the whole body of the cat. To answer what you said, I just assume that this cat just don't dare to do anything in the moment, or even is just pulled with such force that it really in the end cannot do anything about it even if it…
Definitely someone pulling its tail :/ Also explains the reason of having camera not focus on kitty in middle which you would normally do, rather than moving the camera excessively down horizontal just to keep cat in right hand corner and end of tail out of the picture
Went there during my first visit in Japan in 07. While I recall the museum being a bit more targeted for the younger audience, it is definitely worth a visit for those who enjoy Ghibli movies
Too bad you didn't like it. I loved it. Reason? It had cliffhangers/plot twists that got me excited, and that I could not predict. It is one of the same reasons that I like shows such as game of thrones, death note, etc.
Mister donut (dont know about dunkin) and Starbucks are present, but I think hot drinks in vending machines are from before they were introduced. I would wonder more about convenience stores not fulfilling the 'convenient needs' of vending machines, since same products are usually available and there are quite a lot…
I am liking the loose shirt and tie /w skirt outfit, dunno why.. Some psychoanalysis anyone?
Your right. Side-scrolling minecraft, but for me it is a bit more action adventure, and a little less builder-ish. Boss fights, 'rare' loot, etc.
... iOS.. :(
Fuck you sony :( Bring some of all those damn good vita offers to EU!! First persona 4 and sacrifice at great discount prices, now dead or alive 5, ragnarok odyssey, MGS collection, street fighter x tekken. EU gets discount on formula 1 and shit (not even very good prices)
Lordy lord this sounds good @_@ When I played Rogue Legacy on PC one of my first thoughts was that this would be great on the Vita, and now it is coming :O Also Hotline Miami is very nice on the vita, so looking forward to the next title on it as well. Too bad they didn't announce terraria! But developer pictures are…
Oh my fricking god. Well that settles it once and for all for me, I am getting a PS4! I love red :3 :3 My vita is a sexy red one, now I just need the PS4 itself to be sexy red as well ^-^
Hmm I actually think they are pretty much exactly like microsoft, if not worse! Remember that EA has won USA's worst company or something 2 years in a row, and now they are doing things that make you change their mind. At least microsoft was rather "quick" to respond
Also recall reading it being "better" vs sitting, like, the poop will be pushed out easier or something due to squatting position ^-^