
Everyone please ignore this guy.. It is one thing to dislike something, but the reasoning by this guy clearly suggests we have to do with either a troll (dont feed it right?), or a class-A deucebag. Or maybe even worse, both

Freaking sony.. First persona 4 gets discounted at $20, then soul sacrifice at about $18. What about some vita discount love in the EU for prime titles?? In the danish store the prices are $53 and $46 -_-

Det er da bare at takke Microsoft. Nu har de ligesom lavet valget for os om hvad konsol vi køber på launch day :D

Nej det kan du ikke.. Medmindre man kan bruge vpn. Det med småt som man ikke altid ser:

"NFL Sunday Ticket code contained within Madden NFL 25 Anniversary Edition can only be redeemed by US residents."

Got a PS3 and Vita, and planning on PS4 down the line. I just don't play so much on my PS3, Vita a bit more since I just got it. And I just feel like I keep seeing people mentioning that PS+ is actually pretty good value, so thought it was about time to at least get to know details

Can someone please explain this; If I get PS+ now, will I have access to the whole "back catalogue" of free games? Or how exactly is the games available to me determined? Read that there is a rotation of 12 games "always available", so will I only have access to the lastest 12 games in the instant collection? If yes,

Someone I know was kind enough to let me have/use a glass cabinet that they were not using themselves, in which I have all my figures now (less dusting them off yay). I think my brother has his displayed on shelves and stuff

HDCP on PS3 = you cannot capture signal from HDMI output, which is possible on 360. PS3 users have to use the multi av connection (composite or component cables). Xbox One will not have HDMI restriction, same as 360, but now it is a question of what PS4 will do, because multi av will not be available, only HDMI.

Days of Wonder sure knows how to pick what games to publish. The newest addition to the vast amount of boardgames my family has accumulated is ticket to ride europe, which for the time being has become the favorite and has sidelined the all time family champion, settlers of catan. We even got the game on our iOS

True, and I am still going to watch/read it. They just painted such a harsh picture of sadness and unbeatable titans, even the small ones, in the first handful of episodes. Now the show just feels a bit too generic, mixing up the usual one person with special abilities show with that of a giant somethings fighting


Wait what? I thought BB had ended @_@ Read articles and stuff that led to that belief, and the "end" kind of made sense, the heck! Was this planned all along?

Well I have imported games from fx canada as well, but I think they get through (easier anyway) because they are sent in small/flat mail parcels, and not a "package". Large packages have a much higher chance of containing tax applicable items I suspect. Also such small packages can easier get away with being tagged as

So you don't have international packages checked and VAT added when caught in Sweden? I dare call it close to impossible to order something like a PS4 from US amazon and it get VAT free through the postal system in Denmark


You made me laugh. Thank you.

Obviously it can be understood from a rape context, it is the same as if he had said "I'm going to kill you" — that is something a murderer can say before committing the act and, and in that context it is BAD. But what about in the competitive environment? Then it means the person is bm'ing you, that he is confident

Though only having watched one episode so far, I would bet it is "Attack on Titan" — good so far :o