"Any man who does not cry at his mother's funeral risks being condemned to death."
"Any man who does not cry at his mother's funeral risks being condemned to death."
Well, he can have enough self-awareness to know he's bad at it, and stop talking. He has *some* agency.
I get the impression huge celebrity is kind of like drug abuse in that your emotional development gets arrested at the point it starts. That's what I think happened to the Biebs and why he seems to nonchalant about pissing in mop buckets and vandalizing things and getting arrested and then totally loses his shit when…
I like everything about this look except the skirt. It looks a little clunky and long and that split is weird.
Seriously, who even gives a fuck anymore. We have reached the event horizon of reality television where no light can escape and nothing matters.
guy looks like a bitchy alien.
What's with all this hate on Mathew McC? I love him. He was on a cooking show of all things and could actually cook + being very charming.
For the sake of accuracy, neither actor got "played off" last night. Blanchett was responding to a prompter notifying her, about 30 second into her thank yous, that she had 30 seconds left to speak. It's a good bet that McConnaughey got the same notice and simply talked right through it. Blanchett just verbalized it.
for her performance as Blanche DuBois
Getting a video of his speech and not hers in this article seems . . . ironic.
It's incredibly "fixed mindset" of them. "If we never admit we make mistakes, it's just like never making them in the first place and then we don't have to do the dirty work of not making those mistakes in the future!"
Did Lena Dunham sleep with Jezebel and not call the next day? Because this seems very personal.
It seems a bit like the Geraldo Rivera-Al Capone safe debacle. Jezebel looks silly because the images were only minorly altered. Jezebel put out a crazy offer for the images, and then realized that there was no real story. But it had to write an article to back up the need to bribe someone to steal the images.
I'm fine with criticism. I'd like to become better, and listening to criticism is a good place to start. But Groupthink posts speculating on my mental health posted in a space that the participants never thought I'd read isn't "criticism," it's performative outrage and gleeful, shitty small person bullshit. I wouldn't…
Adults can't be bullied? Maybe you should stop misunderstanding what words mean. Example: is a 40 year old woman who is in an abusive relationship being bullied? A sane person would say yes, unequivocally.
This is so much more anti-feminist than the Vogue retouching it is incredible. It is exactly why women sometimes say other women will throw them to the wolves.
Also: you forgot to mention:
Bathroom pic: Towel Lengthened
How proud of yourselves do you feel right now? Now that you've yet again dragged an actress vilified for not fitting industry standards through the mud? Now that you've proven to yourselves (everyone who reads this site already knew!) that magazines like skinnier, taller people? Now that you've realized that GASP YES…