Probably doomed from the outset, yeah. I think he really adored her, but couldn't help but see her as a little girl in some ways, and that had to get old for both of them.
Probably doomed from the outset, yeah. I think he really adored her, but couldn't help but see her as a little girl in some ways, and that had to get old for both of them.
I really don't have any ice-pick scarring like Adam Lambert but I do have scarring and deep blackheads so as long as they are producing sebum I don't think they are going away. One of my sisters friends did Accutane and even off it years later her skin is amazing. I think Accutane is extreme but I'll probably see a…
Alpha-hydroxy peel pads. Like, 3-5 times a week. And still doing a medium-strength peel every other week. I have pores that are ridiculously huge on my nose, and every other day (every third day when it's really cold) with Philosophy's daily peel pads has shrunk them like nobody's business. I seriously marvel at it.
This immediately came to my mind when I read the tweet.
There is nothing wrong with Katy's skin, other than the mosquito bite. That's a very close shot. Most people wouldn't look that good, especially with a mild sunburn, which swells the skin a little (thus increasing the appearance of pores).
"Please don't remove me from your list."
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The problem is you are an idiot and don't know how e-cigs work. Just like the majority of idiots on Jezebel you want to make emotional choices without actually knowing the science behind something.
Agreed. It especially doesn't work in a sitcom.
THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one.
I feel similarly about Kat Dennings. She's gorgeous and I think she could pull of the crude stuff better IF SHE WASN'T SO MONOTONE. None of her lines are believable or make me care or have any impact because she says them all the same way.
You have a way with words, sir or ma'am.
No but I have seen that once before and I'd never have known how to describe such a wild behavior! You did a great job.
But does it come in manatee?
I'm sorry, I should have mentioned, I wasn't directing it generally at you, but because so many of the responses were in that vein, it was easier to respond to the initial post. You are correct in that you did nothing wrong! I apologize if it seemed that I was attacking you.