
Hair tie.

Wait. Being genuine can make people like you?

AKA The Golden Rule is bunk.

So basically this article is about resignation. Or really, what people like to happily refer to as “acceptance”. If it doesn’t really matter, defer to your partners wishes. Over and over and over. Because how many speeds you have on the blender isn’t really important, so giving up what you think is right (basically

I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for but I’m definitely someone who would qualify as a “confrontational” or “assertive” person. I’ve kind of always been this way and I think it’s because my father was a great example to me of someone who didn’t care about the opinions of others and moved forward toward what he

Can't cut out the mate. I love him but damn...

Ahhh, this was so perfectly apropos for SoundersFC today. Thank you so much.

AKA Resignation.

This is nice in theory. But in real life, most people just talk and talk and talk and talk if you let them. Waiting two seconds, even if they *were* done, is just long enough for them to decide that they weren't done.

Yeah I have a grandfather clock and a piano I inherited. Ugh.

If I could just get my husband to internalize this. I’m surrounded by crap we never need and never use and I constantly feel like I’m suffocating and want to burn the house down.

This is easy. Be respectful.

THANK YOU for saying what I came here to say.

I live in the PNW. Even if I get a couple days of no rain, the moisture in the air prevents things from fully drying. Hell, I can't even get my hair in braids to dry in 72 hours. A girl can dream though.

I definitely spend way more time reading about how to live life more efficiently and productively than I do living it that way. Reading this article is case in point.

Now playing

It was hard to pick just one video from this channel. Short videos that examine the wonders of filmmaking. You can learn a lot in a short time and they're very well made. They're amazing even for the casual film lover.

Seriously? You guys get paid to write article about the most obvious stuff.

And what happens if you're never alone? Phone use only not rude when on the toilet?

It's also kind of sad that apparently people need an article on looking for something you lost where it should be. But I guess someone needed to be told that too.

Or how about DON'T because other people's bad health decisions are none of your f#%&ing business.