You know what gets me most? That Brits call it a "coup-pay". I mean, isn't that a Franglicism or something? Also, I generally don't see an aigu on the word, so why do they do that? Can someone from the motherland please asplain?
@Formerlythegreatestdriver: There's a reason for that. Caterham is the only company that can legally call their car a Seven. They bought the rights to that moniker from Lotus back in the day. So, because the Club of which I am again President (usa7s.org) is marque-inclusive, we prefer to use Se7en. Or LSiS. But…
@SlowMo: You want a Rotus, I'll show you THE Rotus:
That thing looks like a pile of bricks.
@Joshman Pouhon: OMBUDSMAN'S NOTE: Thank you for your warranted pedantry. Got to show the n00bs the ropes, even if you are a relative n00b yourself. Everyone, go read the following: