Al Navarro

I just read the Ad Age article...

@Buickboy92: [OMBUDSMAN'S NOTE: This sort of comment is disposable. Please raise your game or you will forever live in the "hidden threads" threads.]

Yes. And No.

Um, I'm good for a few hundy on a collective East Coast "office car" purchase...Raymond?

Ombudsman's Note for the Day:

@Novaload Wants the Jez 9 Back: [OMBUDSMAN'S NOTE: I think your screen name could use an adjustment, and I think a few people who go by the names Dearthair, engineerd, and Jo Schmo might back me up. Though I agree with your POV on the OTT nature of WRX's misogyny.]

@Buster Brew: There's actually this one epsiode where they talk about research. It's more of the front end kind, IIRC...not focus groups or anything.