Al Navarro

All these cars are fat turds.

Matt-a little while ago, I was watching Annie Hall and realized that the now hopelessly 2005 expression "lurve" (for l"ove") is from that movie. Kids these days think they are so original. -Al

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

In case anyone wonders what the hell I'm talking about:


Can we confirm if Wes is at the wheel for the burnouts?

I don't care, we just need Ash78 back.


Someone at the [] forum posted footage similar to above that was attributed to Autoblog.

I think Tylinol is Davey or Jonny or Mike using a pseudonym....well done.

My friends own a store on Elizabeth St. that was featured on the show...the shirts start at like $180. I don't consider that affordable for most people.