James Gunn says he’s had “some pretty intense conversations” with Zoe Saldana, regarding giving Gamora an “enhanced” role in the third Guardians movie.
James Gunn says he’s had “some pretty intense conversations” with Zoe Saldana, regarding giving Gamora an “enhanced” role in the third Guardians movie.
Republicans, we need to talk.
Was there a schematic earlier? Looking at it now, that’s not a schematic, that’s a block diagram, and if you can figure out how to build one with just that diagram, you can probably build one just by hearing the words “signal relay”.
Personally, I’m quite comfortable with this large amount of winning and have no sarcastic remarks to make regarding our current President’s accomplishments thus far.
Yeah, they objectively are doing something wrong. They’re wasting sparse resources as Trump and his crusaders seek to cut useful government programs on this PR farce that has no justification in data or policy.
How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?
My favorite dish is bandeja paisa. Its a regional dish served in my native Colombia. Its costs about $17 here in the USA and about $4 in Medellin. Its an amazing meal that will leave a smile on your face:
When the Ray Rice video came out I wondered what kind of moron has to see with their own eyes how horrible domestic violence before they’ll believe it is in fact horrible?
“at frequencies many decibels lower” doesn’t seem to be correct. Frequencies describe the pitch of a tone, or how frequent the sound waves happen. Decibels are how loud or how great a pressure change the sound waves cause.
The last Jedi is Thanos.
We’ve been here before. When Kennedy took office in 1960 he inherited the planned Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, which of course failed miserably. To regain face he decided to make his stand against international communism in southeast Asia, picking up more or less where the French left off. Vietnam was entirely a…
Every time I read an article about how hard we are for a shooting war with China, North Korea, anybody in the Middle East, etc, etc, I ask, ‘To what end?’, because I have a hard time seeing the coherent, long-term point behind it. Let’s say we go to war with North Korea. What’s the stopping point? What’s the goal?…
hey girl, whats ursine?
“As God as my witness, I thought this stadium proposal would fly.”
“We can’t mention all the horrible things that conservative policies have actually done, because that would just be rude.”
Donald Trump: [looks at approval ratings]
The Aristocrats!
Hey, if a rapper can’t wear a female steampunk cosplay outfit, then I will just give up on life.
Say what you will about North Korea but they got the whole dystopian dogma population control gimmick down.
I work in the medical device industry, and am an avid market watcher of Silicon Valley (and an enthusiastic viewer of HBO’s amazing “Silicon Valley”, which has a season premier on Sunday #NotSponConJustStanning). Grumbling about FDA oversight and regulatory bottlenecking is as much a part of our small talk office…