
So in other words, the Commonwealth Games

Where’s the superautomatics? My DeLonghi makes amazing coffee, and only requires cleaning when full (~2 days for the wife and I) and refilling water. If I’m feeling fancy, it takes 1 minute longer to make a cappuccino.

Calling it now: Trump/Gossage 2016!

That's just good, heads-up defending!

I believe you meant to say their Triple Ginger Beer is the bomb. As in, it keeps exploding and they’re now warning to carefully put it in areas that can handle the explosions.

There needs to be a guide for how to stop saying “you know” in casual conversation. This can become the most annoying thing ever, and it's contagious like yawning.

Hi Sepp, welcome to Deadspin!

It was corrected to remove the extra bracket

It was corrected to remove the extra bracket

Minor point: the

Minor point: the

Man, talk about sloppy tackling!

You could keep the geography, just make it North (move UM and MSU into what is now West) and South (move UIUC and Purdue into what is now East).

Porto-Chelsea with the Mourinho subtext should be interesting

What the hell do you expect the ref to do? He was blatantly using his hands outside the box!

For sale in Spain, land of weak copyright enforcement!

Yes, but this self-defense happened in West Virginia

Well, of course no Euro-trash gloryboi is going to complete that challenge. Just like in WWII, send in a real ‘Merican to show them how it’s done!

You forgot step one: save up all the brown beer bottles from the commercial craft (presumably) beer you drink for 3-4 months (however long it takes to have enough volume for your batch) to avoid paying for bottles. Clean and sanitize and you're good to go!

I was thinking Vengaboys