Yes, but this self-defense happened in West Virginia
Well, of course no Euro-trash gloryboi is going to complete that challenge. Just like in WWII, send in a real ‘Merican to show them how it’s done!
You forgot step one: save up all the brown beer bottles from the commercial craft (presumably) beer you drink for 3-4 months (however long it takes to have enough volume for your batch) to avoid paying for bottles. Clean and sanitize and you're good to go!
I was thinking Vengaboys
Since it’s indirect, the first touch was the other player that rolled it to the side, after that the defenders could have all run straight at him (and taken one straight to the face).
Looks like the goalie's check didn't clear.
Oh, we have tons of good breweries now (my favorites are Jackie O's in Athens, Fat Head's, and to a lesser extent Elevator and Barleys in Columbus, with tons of others around the state), but they're all handcuffed in their creativity by the stupid 12%. Jackie O's in particular is constantly making excellent big brews,…
The saddest part is that this is progress: it only went up to 12% in the early 80's (I may be wrong on that date), before that it was like 6%. There was a bill in the legislature to raise it to 21% this year, but since there wasn't any big money pushing it, it lapsed into next year. When Stone was looking to expand,…
Sadly, I will not be able to taste this wondrous monstrosity. Our lawmakers (in Ohio) in their infinite wisdom refuse to remove the ridiculous law that states that beer cannot have >12% ABV. Unless they flub their label and list this at 12% (like a few breweries have done with barrel-aged imperial stouts here, wink,…
How is this is not on top of comments?
I could have used this being posted BEFORE the weekend...
But more importantly, does he speak Euskara?
Hmm, only "Strong" for prunes helping with constipation? I guess there isn't enough scientific evidence because nobody wanted to publish in the journal Duh.
You got me all excited that I could run SolidWorks directly, but looking at all the configurations, there's no way the license would be able to activate it. Guess it's still Parallels for low intensity work or Boot Camp for intense.
Well, maybe for 1-2 seconds. Then, crumple.
That Kinbar is nice in theory, but disappointing in reality. I have yet to fill it without leaking into the region between the spheres, so I never get pure spheres, always some distorted version that I also have to chip off the leaked ice. Individual ice sphere molds do not have this problem.
That Kinbar is nice in theory, but disappointing in reality. I have yet to fill it without leaking into the region…
I think an appropriate protest if he makes it to draft day is for every draft to cringe like they're expecting him to hit them when he goes for the hug.
Seriously though, has anyone checked to see if he stroked out?