Thanks for pointing that out!
Thanks for pointing that out!
I didn't mean to come off sounding condescending. My secondary school education in the U.S. (probably equivalent to a less scientific European country) didn't provide me that tidbit, it was from undergrad in materials science. I was pointing it out because I found it fascinating then and still do.
Wow, you must have lots of friends with that kind of attitude. There are asshole SUV owners the same as asshole luxury car owners and asshole junker car or pickup truck owners. They are not the majority in any of those categories.
Not the only substance (of the elements, lithium and bismuth also increase volume from liquid to solid), but by far the most common. Also, worth pointing out that the "increases in volume when cooled" is only correct around the phase transition (from ~-4 to 2C, if I remember correctly), with more normal thermal…
The biggest issue with lunar dust, which I didn't see here, is that it is much sharper than earth dust due to the lack of atmospheric wear. This means it not only sticks to our bronchial tubes and lungs, but also to all the clothing that is exposed, so it is nearly impossible to remove when you come back in the space…
Anyone else find it odd that there were only female workers in those factories?
I loved him in Kids in the Hall!
You can take nude mice and give them a human immune system to test it. When it goes to human trials, it presumably would be "compassionate use" exemption to treat patients already infected.
So what happens when it's not a relatively smooth wall? Like, say, stone or cinder block? Or are they able to climb those already because of the many foot and hand-holds?
Who throws a surprise birthday party for a 89 year old with a heart condition?
I'm surprised the terms/concepts of "momentum" and "inertia" aren't brought up in this discussion. Unless there is a glaring weakness, why change languages?
Obviously just a Rampage knock-off
Or, do like my dad did and give me really crappy wine, so I didn't want that taste in my mouth for another 10 years.
Bounding over rocks
Please, please, please, let them name it Lynx and go back to text-based browsing!
But when he is a public worker, in charge of making decisions for public services (as fire chief), then his attitudes about the community he serves and all of its members is very important. The fact that he would post this shows that he has poor decision making abilities if nothing else.
So they're saying that while women are ovulating and have hormones coursing through their veins, all they're looking for is a douchebag?
They could save a ton by having him start in NASA Glenn (Brookpark, OH). Only a city bus ride from there.
The different grades aren't refined any differently, it's just the levels of impurities in the the starting sap based on time of collection. Grade A is collected first, Grade C last (and often not at all).
What's with all the subliminal flash screens? If you're making a video and want to say something about it, shouldn't that stay up for long enough to read?