
Then there's gonna be a pissed coconut crab in the next photo

When I was there in 2000, they were still working out some kinks and ran out of coffee in the middle of the afternoon.

Is that a green laser to shine in other plane's cockpits?

This is all hardware. The thing that has made iPad more enticing for me than other tablets (definitely more than any that came before it) is the software. People talk about keyboards: make voice recognition/dictation software so reliable you don't need a keyboard. That's all I have right now, but I think where Apple

Not sure why this was a reply to me instead of OP. Of course he seems to have done a decent troll, getting us riled up then disappearing.

I'm just holding out for a cellular telegraph

You forgot the follow-up point to your last one:

Come on, you could have at least given me a LMGTFY link!

Should there be a link for "Here's a full tutorial"? I don't see where you describe how to combine two separate photos and combine them into the animated gifs.

Finally! A Gizmodo question headline that can be answered "yes"!

It is an image of a diatomic molecule, so it should be symmetrical.

Hello? Yes, this is bear.

Nice troll, Jamie! Or have you really never heard of tissue engineering?

No Doppler effect— without reading the article or being involved in the field, I would interpret that sentence as stating that it creates a standing light wave (optical cavity) that effectively creates an anti-resonance (resonance is highly non-linear coupled vibration) on the membrane. So, the light hold everything

I usually get in only half the trouble by saying "There's no correct way to answer that."

..."and offered sex to any and all comers."

...and they would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

If it makes you feel better, just move the "-rV" to the other side of the equation. What scares me is how cavalier the financiers are about using an empirical equation to make massive decisions.

Yes, but it ignores the molecular component of the immune system. There are encapsulated cell products available (made from alginate) that fulfill that list of accomplishments, but immune molecules get in, attach to the cells, and lead to a major histocompatibility complex that causes the cells to go apoptotic after

It isn't an unanswerable question, but nothing in the article or interview suggests that there is something so unique about this technology that it overcomes the major hurdles for immunoisolation. Primarily, you need to be able to block immune molecules from attacking your encapsulated cells while allowing all the