
And, as you might imagine, not a new idea. People have been trying to immunoisolate pancreatic islets for over 50 years (in gels, solid structures with membranes, etc.). It is much more complicated than this article makes it sound, hence very little clinical application in 50 years of research. This research is

I haven't done the cost analysis, but I am sure that my two (home and work) Saeco Magic superautomatic machines have more than paid for themselves compared to even drip coffee machines, just in terms of less coffee waste (I used to load the filters with coffee to get decent strong coffee, plus you always end up

I was wondering how a seagull could swallow a 13" anything

Legitimate question: if you use a laptop to set up the ad hoc network, could connecting to it on your iPad let you tether through Quasidisk?

Wait, are you saying that my work on the iMagnet® refrigerator entertainment system has been a sham?

There's extra text in the link. Without the extra text, it's []

Ha! Jokes on them! I have no friends!

Showing safety at 4 months does not mean this is safe. Apparently Mr. Condliffe blew right past this line in the original source:

Because the headline is stating that the research is over and it worked. That's not how research works. An early time point result has shown significant improvements in many treatments (e.g. gene therapy), only to have a longer time point show that we are not making a long term improvement, or worse, giving the

I wish that was true. No, the religious right is against the use of any embryo to be used for stem cell extraction, even all the millions that are discarded yearly for in vitro fertilization treatments.

I would argue the opposite: I can fully understand (not that I approve) why senators that receive that much from entertainment lobby would push and vote for SOPA/PIPA, but what's the excuse for all the others that receive so little or nothing?

Yeah, I wasn't able to get on the Sherrod Brown (OH) page a few hours ago.

Yes, experiments to actually solve brain damage issues are nothing but "dubious and ego-driven experiments". Way to come off sounding reasonable, Jan.

Ask, and the internets shall provide! I also did not know the actual mechanism of photobleaching. Looks like there is a photo-oxidative process, but there is also a monomolecular bleaching process as well, so no matter what liquid it is suspended in, there will be photobleaching. Unmodified fluoroscein would

So do they refill it after the fluoroscein bleaches? You'll be lucky if the stuff stays fluorescent for more than a few days. Of course, it keeps that yellowish color so you can see it, but then what's the point of using it instead of just some food coloring?

As much as they change space, they do. That is, they are not changing time or space, but how EM waves interact with specific locations in time or space. That being said, the orders of magnitude are quite different—metamaterials can cloak decently large (demonstrated millimeters, in theory tens of meters) spatial

Just another attack on the prescient people trying to save us from Quetzalcoatl. When will you learn?

Yes, because if it didn't turn out the way you expected, then obviously everyone that voted differently voted incorrectly.

And let us get rid of contractions, too! Those lazy bourgeois are ruining our proper language!

I thought they were the higher end Lustron homes