Sadly enough, this is what the NRA used to be. They were about education, awareness, safety, community.
Sadly enough, this is what the NRA used to be. They were about education, awareness, safety, community.
This. I was raised with guns, and I attended NRA sponsored events as a child that centered around firearms safety. At 18 I was a “card-carrying member.” In 2008 I revoked my membership and seeing the radicalization begin, and I’ve been a vocal opponent of the NRA ever since.
It’s a shame most people are too…
Maybe if the NRA didn't move away from gun safety and responsible use to calling for the murder of brown people and liberals....
The most pathetic thing to me is that those hundreds of comments whining about “SJW’s” and other such dismissive pejoratives don’t understand that the feeling they’re experiencing is called BEING OFFENDED.
Thanks for your opinion, homophobe.
To offend you.
You being the key word, there. Just because you’re not offended doesn’t mean others aren’t. Hate-speech is hate-speech, and the people that propagate it will take a mile if they’re given an inch.
Whenever someone uses the term “SJW” as a non-ironic derogatory insult my eyes tend to glaze over and all I hear is the Charlie Brown teacher, and I lose all memory of the previous 5 minutes. I think it’s some sort of defense mechanism or something.
Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?
Ah, right..”censorship”...the cowards reasoning for accepting and brushing off hate speech.
Cool, that’s one less game I have to play.
We can talk about difficult as an aesthetic choice all we want and I’m down for that discussion (failure and death are big things for FromSoft games) but easy is relative and I place my trust in designers to build these modes such that the particularities they want to stress still exist.. If combat cadence is a design…
Add an easy mode and he won’t have to settle for watching someone else have fun, friendo. And the good news is that you don’t lose anything in the process either.
That *is* harsh though because you’re all but asking players with disabilities to go elsewhere. In this example, an easy mode or even a series of toggles that allow players to customize game experiences is about allowing them to participate in that experience. It’s inclusive, and not in the dime-store way that word is…
And those games were 100% finished! What we get today is beta test”we’ll patch it later” garbage.
Grow the fuck up, kid. Get a life.
And yeah, suck it up, gamers are mean, get over it.
As VGIRoller said, maybe think about those of us who grew up in the 80s/90s, when what we bought was what we got, and things like patches were unheard of.
The situation is better for gamers now than it ever has been, but development still takes time, identification and correction of bugs is not as simple as, “find…
“giving feedback" and being abusive about it are 2 completely different things.
Imagine thinking your death threats over not liking a game are justified.