Nathan Explosion

Nothing screams “dipshit incel” quite like the combination of his email address and the content of his letter. Really impressive stuff

That is...the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life, Dapvip

“I held it like an egg”

That’s a reasonable justification for buying one! But I would guess that upwards of 90% of the people who own Yetis are complete slapdicks who got them because they indicated some sort of status and the most “outdoorsy” the coolers themselves get is sitting in the trunk of an SUV during a tailgate. Either that or they

There’s always the next game!

Just strap on your job helmet, squeeze into a job cannon, and fire off into job-land, where jobs grow on jobbies. It’s not that hard, smh

Having been at least partially brought up to speed on the fuckery by AM3979, I have to say the likelihood seems pretty slim that SKA would give a shit about people catching on to the fuckery. Keeping the fuckery hidden doesn’t appear to be much of a priority. Also, fuckery is a fun word.

Thanks! This is substantial fuckery, indeed.

Would you be so kind as to offer a brief synopsis of said fuckery for those of us who haven’t been paying attention?

I...don’t see the problem here. From the direct overhead view, it seems pretty obvious that the only reason the puck squirted out behind Luongo is because he got turned by the “intentional or deliberate contact” initiated by Arvidsson. If that doesn’t happen, the puck stays under Luongo and it’s whistled dead (or

“Sample sizes” are for nerds

If this list doesn’t include “baba booey,” “mashed potatoes,” and “get in the hole” they have accomplished nothing of value

Your stance on Field of Dreams is not a Keyser-level hot take, that is a good and accurate sentiment about a garbage film.

reminds me of one of my all time favorite memes

Yeahhhhh that looked a lot more like a shoulder to the face to me too.

Thanks, Mr. McClure

Why are you dismissing it being “statistically safer” as if that’s some kind of red herring? If being safer isn’t good enough then what is? Perfection? Because if so you can say goodbye to just about any kind of innovation

Pump the brakes...he wasn’t making up that headline? For fuck’s sake....

I love that this dickhead wants credit for not posting it on facebook. Fuck that guy and his “I’m sorry I got caught” tears

Well, Nurkic certainly is now