Nathan Explosion

I was hoping that the sarcasm would show through pretty clearly here, as I was advocating for a 13 year old to get drilled in the skull with a baseball. I don't know what's more sad: that I still had to spell it out, or that I'm not all that surprised that I ended up having to do so.

Outstanding. +1

Yeahhhh, even as a gray commenter...REALLY glad they brought back the gray.

He's getting one in his earhole next time up for that horseshit. The unwritten rules know no age limit.

Fair point, but giving shitty and annoying people better tools with which to be shittier and more annoying will only exacerbate the problem.

I'd be fine with this technology dying. As someone who already gets increasingly annoyed that groups of people in public places can't put their god damn phones down long enough to have actual conversations with the actual people at their table, I would submit that glass can fuck right off.

Yeah, but it's the kind of "stern talking to" where they tell you they're not mad, they're disappointed. So, you know, way worse.

Looks like SOMEONE skipped the first sentence of the third paragraph

Jesus, can they just fuck and get it over with?

Hey, everyone pissing and moaning about him being punished for "thoughts" - would it be OK for him to be punished for losing the NBA a shitload of money? Because if he stayed an owner, he would have. He alienated a HUGE portion of the NBA's fan base, and his continued ownership was a black eye for the league. Try

Took me a second, but well played. +1

Two words: Comment. Ninja.

Now playing

I found it entertaining to read his rambling defense with this playing in the background:

"...and make sure you don't fight him off TOO hard in the process; don't wanna turn that rape into a murder!"

I was wondering why I smelled toast

Yep. It's almost like when you're playing football, and you completely lay someone out, and they get up smiling in your face and laughing...that's WAY more infuriating than if they get up angry and talking shit or try to hit you back

This gave me horrid flashbacks of my summer working for a rookie ball team as an unpaid intern, the duties of which included pulling the tarp. Those fucking things can munch my taint.

It's "kind of like going to law school" in the same way that me binge-watching Iron Chef is "kind of like going to culinary school."

I'd rather give you wayyyy bigger odds on that whole "if he ever gets barred" part. But assuming that....absolutely not. It's happening.

I would submit that law school is a more antiquated joke than the bar exam; after all, it only wasted my summer rather than 3 full years. Both could use an overhaul, though.