
I once saw a Mig-29 in an inverted dive.  Can a F-15, F-16, or F-22 do that?

I bet the F-16 handles like an old Civic after all the naughty bits have been removed.


Do F-16's lead to homo-erotic volleyball sessions?  Or is that only the Tomcat?

Oh sure.  When the NSA spy on you through Google everyone is “eh, whatever”.  But China does it through time travelling to the 1930's and stealing the name of an American company before using it to spy on America and it’s all up in arms.  Frankly I’d be more worried about the time travelling machine the Chinese seem

From the sounds of the article. Nothing was transferred over yet so China didn’t steal the IP? I’m not sure why we blame China the country when a company steals IP but blame the corporation when it happens in the States. What the hell is up with that?

Aston Martin Xenomorph, it bleeds acid and wants to kill you.

Hey, Elizabeth Holmes is great jailbait.

But does the Dad Build have a beer gut?

I never thought I’d see the police fight amongst themselves.  Even the grammar police.

What?  You didn’t hear?  He’s going to run as a democrat for President of the United States, of course.

Start my own carbon offset program?  And not use a government mandated one?  What kind of car reporting commie are you?

What wouldn’t I do if I had a Lexus 400?

I got my mom a Samsung ‘cause they update soooo slowly.

A state of bliss.  Bliss is the greatest automotive state one can achieve.

All lap times just remind me how much I suck at driving.  I never get the same lap times on the same courses.

I can answer the motorcycle question.  Because they don’t retire motorcycles after 30 years of service.

I do have to question how much of the 20 years it took to develop the F-35 was actually used developing and how much of it was used jerking around for extra cash.

He got too fat for his airplane seat thingy?

Some of the scenes seemed to be directly from the original.  Does that mean that Maverick will have Shell Shock and get flashbacks?