It’s a one in a million chance that the plane will survive, but it might just work.
It’s a one in a million chance that the plane will survive, but it might just work.
Don’t forget. They’re planning on raising the speed limit by 20 kph on some freeways and 410 is one of them.
Wait a second. You’re not supposed to cut your car in half in order to add oil and windshield washer fluid to it??
I keep being chased by a SSID called CSIS Van 11. Everywhere I go, it shows up. A few days later. I’d say I’m just being paranoid but...
What about airplane foam? That stuff works on high temperature things.
In cars? Hate ‘em. On phones. Love ‘em.
But did it drive over any pedestrians before hand? That’s what we really want to know.
I don’t know. That Rexona looks awfully suspicious.
Did you know that the 11th Gen Thunderbird has the same dimensions as the original?
They’ve already landed. They’re fixing our houses and mowing our lawns. We just don’t notice them.
What we need is a Space Wall. To keep out the Space Aliens. So that they don’t take our Space Jobs.
I disagree. Nascar sucked even in 1998.
This is just an old idea recycled from the ‘80's.
Oooo. Put it in a Twingo.
Could this be defined as “Fake” news?
It’s obvious why she needed the undocumented immigrants. To put up the tent.
It is NOT silly! Light weight and high-ish power is never silly!
I’ve heard of Daewoo! I’m hardcore!
Wha?? Americans don’t know traffic jams! Now Mexicans know traffic jams!
Wha?? Canadians don’t know traffic jams! Now Americans know traffic jams!