
I always thought of horsepower as how fast you can go (not withstanding drag, aero, and weight) and torque was how fast you got there. Have I been wrong all this time?

Neither has Kittrick.

Are we sure that Mission Impossible hasn’t become a BMW commercial?

Why is that girl trying to spray water up her nose?

Exactly! Who needs choice? We should all drive the same car. Shouldn’t we comrade?

I can see it now. We’ll have death cults devoted to a definitive date of the end of the universe. They’ll preach that we’ll all die in a bagazillion years.

But mom! What if I miss a phone call?

I figure it’s like this. If a male isn’t bothered by a male in the same situation then women probably aren’t bothered by women being in that situation.

I think that hockey should get cheerleaders.

It seems to me that F1 needs an upstart series to push it towards modernization. Kind of like CART in the ‘90's?

I saw the remake and it sucked as well.

So... edumaction is considered good commenting now? What have we sunk to?

You know, they have thermometers for ears now.

Much like the Audi commercial I laughed at your comment then was deeply offended. I just thought you should know.

I miss Group C.

I’d love to own it first hand.

Did I read that right? Was there a button that said “KILL” on the dashboard.

Well, someone’s a grumpy cat today.

I wouldn’t define the guy as stupid for putting fuel in the air intake. I’d define him as sstupid because he bought a Smart FourTwo.

I wonder where they got the V12 from? Also, can I have it in a non-brown color?