Nate with shorter name

I love sticker packs extra plasticky bits stuck to the outside on my crap can.  

>Now the Boomers are retiring. And a 20 something year old can make serious coin in a Boomer industry.

And as an added bonus, if I want to register this nightmare in CA I have to deal with a smog ref now.

Fuck all of that action. 

Just like a MKI Escort, the best part of the fun was its accessibility. With that gone, is it really all that good?
When you compare it to other cars available for the price, it just isn’t that great. 

This is the sort of headline that every writer wants to write but few get to.

I hope you are proud of yourself this doesn’t happen very often. 

Datsun 510
It was a super cheap economy car when it came out. It handled great for a crappy economy car. That is it.

The people responsible never really get punished though. Someone might get a letter of reprimand here. Maybe.

Dude who was left stranded is probably getting a pocket full of Avis coupons if he is lucky. 

This is the sort of performance to think about when we look at business models that move away from personal ownership models.

Are you really cool with some petty local manager deciding that you no longer should possess the items you are licensing instead of owning?

Normally these party barges just have a plywood deck that you can attach whatever you want, going to a proprietary deck seems like a good way for the MFR to lock you into expensive expansions and parts.

Also I hate the handlebar steering.  

Low profile/big rims tires almost always increase unsprung weight and reduce ride quality.
They also go flat much easier. 

Increased sidewall stiffness and theoretical handling improvements are overstated.

The 91 doesn’t go anywhere near either end of where I need to go.   My misery is LAX to Ventura County. 

I know it is dangerous as hell but it could reduce the rush hour commute over the 405 by hours.

Happy birthday.  Looks like it is time to decide if you are going to stick to beaters for the rest of your life or get a sensible vehicle. 

Everyone involved in this stunt needs to spend a bit of time in lock up.  All the equipment seized and used for education of some sort. 

Someday we are will have to take a long hard look at how we structure corporate liability and make some deep changes so C-suite crooks can get nailed to wall. 

You know it is coming in the Ala Grande Culo edition 

This is retro design done right.

Just like the original it looks like a monster to drive.

I wish they would support VR headsets.  Bombing back roads in a race truck would be so much more fun if it felt like you were in the the truck. 

Part of it is finding something that depreciation hit really hard and is still pretty new.

It is funny, I used to ride my bike past a yard where they process Hyundai when they come off the boat. When you get a few hundred of them together, there is a weird waxy smell that comes off them.

No other cars do that.