Nate with shorter name

There used to be a lot more parking.

I am always a little shocked that the trucking industry keeps finding fresh suckers for this scam of a job.

Different Points on the hype cycle.  Right now the VC boys are all in on AI. 

LAX should not be here. It is one of the worst airports I have ever been to.
The way the terminals are not interconnected is awful.

An 80's K car with an automatic transmission and the California Smog Package.

Torque steer without power, 12 second 0-60, brake fade, shoddy shifting, and rotten materials. 

Meanwhile Amtrak in California is barely able to maintain 35mph.

It is an amusing but impractical way to travel.

Except when you get a surprise bus instead of a train, then it is just a bucket full of suck.

The funniest thing on this I have seen are the previews for the Hunter Biden movie that are floating around.

If they are going to call it a Crown it should look like one and be understated and classy not whatever Honda Civic looking mess this is.

The requirements haven’t changed and if you had just followed the law there wouldn’t be a problem.

I for one won’t miss the Harley guys at all when they go quiet. 

I still want a AAA racing title with VR support.

I know there are some solid sims that have it, but I really want to feel like I am sitting in the seats on a large collection of the absurd cars. 

There are absolutely a bunch of self propelled spud barges.
Here is one for only a cool mil.

I am starting to see Rivians on the street though. There is one parked at a nearby doctor’s office and another at an engineering firm.

Spud barges also sit on huge piles so they don’t sway in the water.
Spud barges are still boats. 

Those are shipping bags for high end cars not camo.  These cars are still in the processing yard from coming off the ship.  I am pretty sure they had Polestar logos on the hub..

I saw these cars in pajamas but I have no idea what they are. 

Make me an electric 80% scale 71 Mustang.  It would be amazing.

We should probably start seizing all super yachts with unclear ownership.

I doubt a single upstanding person owns one without clear ownership.

Enjoy not wearing masks in a few places while you can.

I hope it gets VR support at some point.  Nothing enhances a racing game like good VR. 

Obviously, the only solution is to dump the giant SUV you bought when gas is cheap and pay twice the sane price for a miserly penalty box in a blind panic about your budget being blown.