I deeply hope that electric bikes stay weird. I want designers to just go crazy with everything and I wan tons of unique bikes.
I just wish electric cars could be weird too.
I deeply hope that electric bikes stay weird. I want designers to just go crazy with everything and I wan tons of unique bikes.
I just wish electric cars could be weird too.
Not to worry, somehow there will be a loophole for really big trucks and SUVs.
I have been trying for almost twenty years to get my wife to drive a stick.
There comes a point to admit you have lost an argument and that was several years back.
My car still has a stick though.
The “Buy Here Pay Her” places are always good for a laugh.
I like it. A bit of ground clearance and some nice sidewalls are always welcome.
The answer is still China.
They are going with this plan right up until they’re factories can run at full capacity again.
The number of custom orders is never going to keep Ford running at full blast.
This sounds like the sort of thing Section 1 (42 USC § 1983) of the KKK act was built for.
That is a nasty bit of law to run afoul of.
In the US is there any good reason to get a car this small?
They don’t really get better gas mileage than a somewhat larger hatch.
Not many places have parking problems these things solve.
Most of our streets are super wide.
This is a solution for a problem we don’t have.
Why the heck is my traction control button on my WRX next to my left knee under the dash?
Maybe put it somewhere it can actually be seen?
One of the things making the shipping crunch worse is importers moving their orders to the left to take the crunch into account.
It will be interesting to see if there is an excess of capacity come spring.
I guess I am going to put a lot of miles in one of these as penalty box from the rental counter.
It could be worse, it could be a nissan versa.
Have they tried delivering trucks to paying customers?
I hear some car companies do that to make a little money on the side.
Even the police statement of what happened is pretty shitty. A pretextual stop used to do what should be an illegal search of someone going about their day.
If the cops are looking to rebuild trust, even the appearance of impropriety must stop.
The war on drugs needs to be over and pretextual stops also need to be banned. If you pull someone over for speeding, speeding is all you get.
I really want semaphore lights on my car, does anyone make a kit or is this going to be a roll your own Arduino thing?
It isn’t even in good enough condition for that style of scrapping. To do that it has to run under its own power for that last little run onto land.
Fortunately this isn’t the state of California’s problem. This is the city of Long Beach’s problem.
I am strongly on team scrap it, but in the end it is up to that city and its odd priorities to work out.
Ships are very expensive and have a limited design life.
This problem is not going to get better the older this ship gets.
Putting it on land is just going to cause a different set of problems.
Eventually this ship is going to be scrapped after sucking up a huge amount of money.
Would current Harley fans want an electric bike?
The ones around here seem to only want one to be jerks making tons of noise with open exhaust.