It got me through a cross country flight. It was at least mostly serviceable.
It got me through a cross country flight. It was at least mostly serviceable.
Maybe push it out to 2023, or mandate a no aero single type body and make the race awesome.
GM Rental cars, managed and maintained by GM.
I bet these cars are going to sell for almost nothing and still be overpriced.
If the new ruleset has not been implemented yet, maybe hold the current rules for another season to keep costs down and allow existing cars to continue to compete.
The Mighty FC. If they could have made this, it would be the Jeep in my driveway instead of an YJ.
Big cab, big bed very little wasted space. Imagine this with a camper.
Similar cruiser style bikes, by Yamaha, Honda, or one of the Exotics. Or god forbid a BMW
A bunch of people will mourn. Not me, but the assholes that made living near a dive bar suck will mourn.
Which motorcycle that HD makes do you like exactly?
Looking at them in somewhat objective terms, nothing is competitive on price/performance basis. It like looking at 1980's GM, just layers of trash for too much money.
Sourdough pizza is good.
You get that sour dough starter is just wild caught yeast?
John can show you how
Absolutely, and the amount of help the US should give these guys is somewhere between zero and the $3.50 it costs to get the Loch Ness Monster to fuck off.
The lender is taking the risk because they think they can split the debt into various tranches and sell these at a profit.
The least risky won’t be super profitable because they won’t be cheap
The riskiest of these will be cheap indeed.
They can’t register them here because they don’t meet the requirements.
Even if (big if) we waived the construction location requirements, they would never meet the safety or environmental.
In this case, my irritation is with the lack of information they provide about compatibility features.
Where Steam would list if there was wheel/FFB support, Epic gives you no information.
SpinTires at least you know it has wheel support.
Let me take it one step further, nowhere on the Epic store page does it discuss wheel support. This is the kind of game I would buy, but I need VR and good wheel support.
Then I saw that this is an EPIC game store game and lost all interest.
Why would you make a technical driving game and then leave off VR support?
And why in the fuck would you sell it on EPIC instead of Steam?
I am not super convinced a pickup would be much better in this accident.
The bed might stop the first two layers of bricks but the upper layers are still joining the driver in the front.
I hope you do everything possible to make sure you pay in April rather than get a refund.