
The zo6 can be replaced, the vid is forever stuck upright

Portrait video.

Easy. It broke all the time, never fit the lines of the car (the NA models looks better) and was replaced by the lovely hoop spoiler of 97 or the 99 combat wing.

Why isn’t “Will it doggie?” A regular Jalop feature?

With your high school tassel hanging from the rear view mirror and whatever the most popular song from senior year was, cranked to 11.

Dear Hipsters,

4.) Drives Bugatti Lambo Into Lagoon

I guess I’ll be the first to answer you.
Looks like a Lambo, dude.

This is gonna be good.

Yeah i’m calling bullshit. Everyone knows theirs no such thing as a “Senior Internet Admin”.

While you’re at it, can you reset my MySpace password? I’ve been meaning to update it for the past 8 years.

This is a simple one...when the wipers go on for more than a few seconds, the headlights should automatically go on. Most states have "wipers on - lights on" laws, but every time it rains I see numerous cars driving around with their lights off...and wipers going. We all know that cars with their lights on make them

I bet the kid knows how to use the damn phone to film in landscape though

McDonald's? They could have gone to Burger King and had it their way.

Watch this kid ID those taillights — those physical, disembodied taillights — like a badass while being timed and on national television. Captain Sweater there doesn't break a sweat and only has to come back to one Volvo light. I'm sorry to say I haven't been able to confirm the spelling of this Taillight Savant's

Can you picture the field day Jezebel would have?

They must be thinking of Mitsubishi who symbol IS supposed to represent a propeller blade (the did make the Zero after all).

Christ. If I have to explain this one more time. BMW is not a propeller. It just is not. Historical Facts. I am a frustrated BMW enthusiast who spends more time explaining that its a Bavarian flag than I do building my S50B32TU.