
Driving my mom’s 1999 Oldsmobile Alero GLS (when I first got my license), at an intersection the transmission went into neutral by itself, the speedo and tach spiked for a couple seconds, went back to zero, then back into drive. The engine didn’t rev, car wasn’t moving, and it never happened again.

I love these exhaust tips

An M2 is nice, but have you considered a Mark 19?

The old “turn the wheels to the left so you can snake your arm around to grab the inconveniently placed oil filter” move

Fallout style lunchbox bottle-cap bomb

Live in Germany for more than a week and you’ll find the left lane discipline is a myth

I suddenly want to be an automotive journalist....

Thank you for giving credit to the photographers. As a combat photographer myself, it means a lot to us to see our work credited.

1.8 had one of the most PIA locations for an oil filter


Hey Army, I’m really happy for you and I’ma let you finish, but the U.S. Marine Corps has had the best military uniforms of all time.

Why are airlines even allowed to change the prices of flights constantly?! You don’t walk into a clothing store and a t-shirt price keeps going up and dropping depending on the time or day of the week.

My father use to fly on P-3s when he was in the Navy back in the late 70s. He was with VP-91 back when they were the Pink Panthers. Last year for Christmas I had this model made for him based on some photos I found of one of the planes from when he was with the Squadron. It’s from Squadron Toys.

And this would last aprox how long before some dumbass kid throws a rock into it “just for fun” breaking the screen, or the screens get stollen off the truck? Good idea on Samsung, but shitty people exist in the world and make good ideas like this less practical.

I’ve hated watching this series for only this reason. Krackle trying to be their own video host sucks and not being able to lock in a resolution and buffer the whole video while paused makes this series annoying to watch. I thought they fixed this, but alas they did not.

I was going to say the same thing. How do you do an article about how a change was bad without showing what the change was?

Pretty sure this was very successful with the Quest family.

kinda fuzzy, but I’m pretty sure it’s a Lambo, dude.

Along with critisism, the passenger who doesn’t have a car and critisizes your car. A guy I worked with years ago would complain about my car not having enough room (‘93 Dodge Stealth TT) while I was driving him somewhere for free. This was also a 28 year old man who didn’t have a license.