Petition closed...with 11 supporters.
Petition closed...with 11 supporters.
That petition, wow. Just wow.
It looks like their boycott of Tina and Amy succeeded.
I mean, Taylor is a grown ass woman too, misguided TSwift fans on twitter. She's older than I am, and I'm pretty sure I'm a grown ass woman.
The voice of a generation. ::slams head to desk::
If there IS a hell, there's definitely a special place in it for people who can't take a joke.
Every time this comes up, I'm forced to unearth the link that shows that Swift was actually mis-attributing this quote to Couric, when it was actually said by Madeleine Albright.
Taylor swift didn't make that term up. In fact, she was even quoting Madeline Albright when she said it. She's basically the Shia LeBuef of feminism.
I guess the good news for the Swifties is that they were likely the only ones who made the connection right away, besides Tina, so thanks for helping the rest of us remember how petty and insecure Taylor Swift was about a joke at an awards show last year.
I'd much rather get drunk with Tina and Amy than Taylor...
I still don't get why the thoughts of pre-teens is news.
lol I hate Taylor Swift. As a public persona. Maybe she's cool IRL who fucking knows. But. Kanye was right, you know? And Fey and Poehler are comedy goddesses. So whatever. pfft.
I don't understand the second part of your post. Gravity was an enjoyable yet "I only need to see it once" type of movie, but the direction was a marvel. Her apparently puts a great spin on a topic that seems difficult to manage well, but I can see it not being the most visually arresting film. Why should one film win…
Still a better decision than marrying Robin Thicke.
Coulda been worse. Coulda been pink.
Who wore it better?
SO BAD. Not to mention the fact that she slathered her face in blush. And the shoes! God, a mess from head to toe.
Well, I'm glad he took those photographs. It shattered a whole lot of misconceptions about domestic abuse, started a national discussion about the subject (in the UK, at least), and arguably provided the final straw for Nigella to get out of that awful relationship.
documenting a crime = good.