Yeah. Suddenly this sounds less like "generous and gracious offer" to "hey can I whore you out for a publicity stunt?"
Yeah. Suddenly this sounds less like "generous and gracious offer" to "hey can I whore you out for a publicity stunt?"
I have just realized that I am actually meant to be an author, but I don't plan on ever writing anything ever. I just wanted you to know that.
Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?
Not being able to fit everything into the lede is a valid excuse, IF this was a print publication where space is limited due to page dimensions. You're writing on the Internet, you can slam as much information as necessary into your lede without fear of breaking the Interwebz.
Both women came forward and gave their names to The Dispatch to share the story. They both agreed to have their names published. In fact, The Dispatch points this out. I wouldn't have used names otherwise.
I love this man. He could read the phone book and I would call it art and listen attentively.
You know what the most accurate thing in all of her tweets is? Her inclusion of the bad-speller complex.
I probably sound like a broken record but I really think that Jezebel needs a legal analyst now. This article is ok but I would like the perspective of an actual lawyer.
He does have a parody of Fancy in the album, though.
Every hair-tearingly annoying fad gets better once Weird Al gets here to drain its power. Good old Al! I'm glad he's still with us.
He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life.
There's a campaign to get him in the rock n roll hall of fame. I approve
Jack Black twerking. Words I never thought I'd put in a sentence.
Two things, 1) Weird Al is a musical fucking genius and I refuse to acknowledge anyone who disagrees and 2) you made me have to look up a word and I am angry that I learned something today. At least it wasn't math.
Women who hover should be thrown into a giant vat of piss.
Thank you. I don't want to live in a world where people are calling the cops on each other just in case. Use your common sense!