This isn't the first time this has happened. An eight-year-old boy accidentally killed himself with an Uzi at a gun show in Massachusetts in 2008:…
This isn't the first time this has happened. An eight-year-old boy accidentally killed himself with an Uzi at a gun show in Massachusetts in 2008:…
Saw this at an LGBTQ film fest and it's AHMAAAAAZING. It was so much more/better than I expected, and I see Takei in a whole new light now, he deserves all the credit he gets and then some :)
What is the obsession with "Pony?" I don't get it. It's pretty fucking terrible and yet I feel like it gets a mention on Gawker/Jez posts at least once a week. What gives? Am I completely missing something?
You're confusing "idle, fairly irresponsible speculation by a nonprofessional" with a FATHER talking about his SON. Just because the guy's not a Ph.D. in the behavioral health field and isn't operating by your set of rules-for-discussing-mental-illness doesn't mean the guy's opinion is invalid or deserves to be…
Aaaaand this is why people whose children/relatives/neighbors are involved in horrific crimes are hesitant to speak to the media and shed light on the situation for the rest of us. Because assholes like yourself feel the need to nitpick every fucking word and critique their account like they're a fucking…
Stop. Just stop.
That's nice for you.
Are you sure you're doing it right? In my experience it's pretty spectacular.
I know someone on here is going to reply that commenting on this website negates the point I'm about to make... but I'm officially done with Jezebel. This article appears adjacent to an advertisement hawking pearl earrings. PEARL MOTHERFUCKING EARRINGS.
No, you go to Tiffany for the brand recognition. Nothing else. They care wayyyyy more about the blue box than what actually comes inside it.
Bitch Magazine. A classic. What Jezebel is trying and failing to be. Read it, love it, support it.
I'm actually kind of psyched about this. As a middle of the road, androgynous lesbian, I sometimes wonder what I might wear on the day I get hitched. I'm not really a suit and suspenders type, but I'm not a dress-wearer either. What to do?
We have several Adolphs in my Swedish family, (including some born after WWII) and yes, it's spelled with a "ph." Which helps a little on paper, but not when it's spoken out loud. One of them went by "'Dolf" and most people called my grandfather "Buddy," which sounds a hell of a lot nicer than Adolph. It's not a…
I... would disagree. I had a friend who went away to college in Ohio and met some Mormons who quickly indoctrinated her and found her a Mormon boyfriend to marry. She's a completely different person, and not in a good way. It was also disturbing to learn that those who are not members of the church cannot enter the…
I just tore through In the Name of God: The Fight To Save Children From Faith-Healing Homicide. It just came out a few months ago and is fantastic, I highly recommend it. The author did a wonderful job of weaving together a myriad of disparate storylines from over the last several decades, and detailed the ways in…
It's a wonderful episode... the first season is a little lackluster (apparently they did focus groups and tweaked the show to make Leslie less of a ditz and more of an empowered, quirky spitfire of awesome) and the second season on is just fucking spectacular. I highly recommend it for your holiday bingewatching :)
I was actually talking about this with my dad the other day... my parents went through a similar situation awhile back and so he kind of has a unique perspective on this whole mess.
I'm not sure where you got that from. I said she's not "strictly catering to the male gaze" and in another reply to someone else I said she challenges patriarchal norms.
I've long wondered whether these two were crazy like foxes or just plain crazy. Surprisingly, it seems to be the former. Good for them? I don't condone anything they've ever done ever, but their commitment to the plan and uncanny ability to stick it out is oddly admirable. I think. So many lukewarm feelings...