Yuppie Scum


I’m not trying to get into a dick measuring contest, but I almost threw up when I read $1.50-2.00 / SF rents.

Eh, Walker is going to give any money he gets to his preferred racist white trash contractor buddies. Then he will probably turn around and sue everyone else on the project(s) except his friends for a bit of walking around money like his good friend Donald.

You’re straight trippin’, my Kenosha.


Oh he knew exactly what he was doing.

I’ll have a popsicle in my favorite flavor- plain!

No brain. Just a cranial cavity filled with grease and the Lord, respectively.

I was also a PSU freshman in 2005. McKean hall, represent!*

Same here. I grew up in Philly and went to PSU for undergrad.

I always found that for PSU alumni on the Philly side of PA, nobody really gave a shit about Pitt- myself included.

“Wait, that’s what I’m supposed to do with this?

Be thankful you have the luxury of being able to express this opinion.

i bet this dude has put more hard work in on his bicycle than any of you boneheaded deadspin commenters have put into your crappy day jobs.

He totally Victim #4'd him.

It’s short and uses big font. It isn’t Harry Potter, the divergent series, 50 shades, or the hunger games. It makes the non-intellectual who is pretending to be feel intelligent and unique when told to a girl at that one “hipster” bar that is also in the middle of a Big 10 campus.

Fat bottomed girls need to sit :/

Teachers, of course.

If you know the person who drew this squiggly, avant-garde sideline, please let us know at