Yuppie Scum

The protesting crowd sounded suspiciously ignorant and like petulant children. Race and gender are irrelevant and are not subject to such constraints.

Maybe, but they should have the choice to at least try it.

It's ok mom, they are professional athletes - it just rolls off their backs

I’m sure some enterprising graphic artist is ready to make D.Va’s mech suit and its ultimate look like Mohammed

It is surely a better functional option, but offers zero of the nostalgia of the physical device/ packaging/ form. For a huge portion of their target audience, that specific nostalgia is the only reason they would buy this.

I don’t think it’s ignorant at all- just a severe difference in perspective.

Realize that there is a sizable market segment that:

Not many in the 30+ crowd are going to buy whatever variant of Wii is out there just for the virtual console. Selling what amounts to a tiny emulator that looks like what they had as a kid = easy $$$.

HAI GUYS LOOKIN 4 BLak lotis will pay!!!!

Well, you don't want to take any chances when you cork.

No shit. I was a clumsy kid and walked into a coat rack in like second grade, you would think I hit a god damn artery. The school nurse was horrified and thought I was the victim of some assault.

-also the son of the “DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG!!” Dad and the nephew of the “LET EM PLAY UMP” drunken uncle

Your last point is my hangup. I know new world wine varietals like the back of my hand, but regularly fuck up the old world. So I end up ordering a lot of port.

To add to this: if the wait staff makes you feel bad, then they suck at their job.

Most people don’t know what’s good when they are ordering it, but I guarantee you if you put barefoot next to a medium production wine, a small-lot, and a micro family-owned sort, you could taste the difference.

That “old vine” vs. “ancient vine” vs. regular vine is a widely-regarded crock of marketing BS for the zinfandel varietals.

this is why the somm asks to taste it first

Really dependent on the type you get. It’s one of the “heavier” whites, and can be a bit like drinking liquid popcorn.

Israel is where the wine grape started, according to some dude who did a wine tasting for my family once.

Maybe the local children are afraid of you because of that painting