Yuppie Scum

I can tell you are a military-minded person by your usage of the phrase “explain the shit out of stink”

Somewhat tangential comment, but it’s surprising for how good of a school Berkeley is that there are so many unemployed graduates. If I didn’t have work experience/ a degree from another institution, I’d be unemployed right now.

Can someone in the know explain why my dreams tend to go wild as can be when I take something with acetaminophen in it (e.g. NyQuil)? Really trippy stuff for me.

Yeah. If you keep using it, you can’t even feel the ulcers you are developing from its use.

Not counting the Cheryl Swoopses

what a bunch of narcs. This would totally be encouraged at most high school student teaching gigs.

May I see your copy of Swank, Armen?

Now playing

Aurora Borealis?!?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!?

Lisa needs braces

“So what if some guy hits a woman”

Ha. You should do an Everquest nostalgia post.



kinja fail on my part

If you’re “giggling” at anime, I’m pretty sure that nobody is going to speculate that.

yeah, my mental image was more along the lines of “jam it into reverse and wedge it underneath”

Also a lunch blog!

I just leave my kids and their toys under the car. Much safer.

Honestly, I’m more surprised that they didn’t attempt to reverse the flatbed truck under the howitzer after the first few attempts.