No big deal. It’s just like when Cronkite continuously dropped references to delicious Lucky Strike cigarettes and Fleshlights when broadcasting from Saigon.
No big deal. It’s just like when Cronkite continuously dropped references to delicious Lucky Strike cigarettes and Fleshlights when broadcasting from Saigon.
By promoting this comment, I’m giving Poopnachos more views, thereby validating him in his own mind
The bigger joke is “productition.”
That’s Hardy Harbaugh, formerly known as The Family Secret.
Ever watch a football game? There’s precisely as much game action in an American football game as in a baseball game.
Neat. What were the ratings of apples compared to oranges?
“No, I don’t believe the Rams offense existed,” Hayes said last month. “Not even a little bit. With these players, it’s crazy because man has never seen the Rams offense, we can agree on that, right? But they know exactly how to put an offense together? I believe there is more of a chance you will find a team in L.A.…
Nodding intensifies
♫ HGH you work so gooooood ♫
You’re hearing that because you want to hear that. There’s a difference between not wanting to be the face of the franchise and being a coward, which is why Wainwright made no such connection.
You’ve got such a hard on for Cardinals-bashing it’s just sad. Disclaimer, born and raised in Miami, I couldn’t give a f*** about the Cardinals. But I’m tired of seeing every single story you write turn into a self-ejaculating passive-aggressive flagelation of how the Cardinals are really the evil ones hiding petty…
Deadspin is Fox News, and the Cardinals are Obama.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, Deadspin; the guy was asked a question and he answered it with effusive praise for Heyward, whom I daresay he knows a bit better than you or I do, and provided a charitable theory for why Heyward would prefer the Cubs (other than the real reason which was “Star Wars money in 2018”), and you…
Using fake populism to persuade the masses to rise up in defense of corporate profits worked pretty well for the Tea Party, but they had a vastly larger PR organization on their side.
Says the guy who’s obviously never been to prison...
This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.
A true leader that wears number one, to remind himself of his team’s record.
Don’t these people have jobs? Isn’t that what they usually say when commenting on protests? So, pro life protest, no job, OK, Black Lives Matter protest, Get a Jerb! Nutcases, all of them.
I’m willing to bet you $100 that less than 50% of them would sign a pledge to adopt an orphaned or abandoned child in the next 10 years.
Hayden’s doctors predict that by next season, all his fears will have been forgotten.